Effect guides
There are so many audio tools, how should you keep on top of them all? Well, for starters, we don't really have gazillions of compressors and equalizers; each tool we make has a specific purpose. And here you can quickly find out what each plugin does and how it could be useful to you.

Equalizers are probably the most essential tools in general. They let you alter the spectrum in various ways, from removing unwanted resonances and lowering frequency mud to brightening the mix, adjusting the tonal characteristic and controlling the stereo field. There are several kinds of an equalizer. While graphics equalizers, being easier to design, are implemented mostly in analogue, they don't have much use in studio and high-end audio, so we focused on the parametric equalizers and freeform equalizers.
Read guideDynamics

Dynamics processors are essential for audio processing in general and they include a wide range of tools - compressors, expanders, gates, limiters, transient shapers etc. They are used to manipulate both long-term overall dynamics ("macro-dynamics") and the sound itself ("micro-dynamics"). The evolution of digital processing also brings specialized dynamics tools, which wouldn't have been imaginable during the reign of analogue hardware.
Read guideSpectral effects

Spectral effects access the hidden world of audio signals - the spectral domain. Designing such tools is often very hard and in analogue devices it is generally impossible. These tools usually focus on pitch shifting, but there are many other marvellous things that the spectral domain lets us accomplish, and we are just getting started!
Read moreStereo processors

The arrival of stereo playback decades ago brought a huge range of possibilities, but as it turns out managing stereo is not that simple. We have several tools that can make things much easier and quicker for you and lead to unbelievable results.
Read guideDistortion

Not many areas in audio processing have been evolved as much as distortion. Distortion originated in analogue history, being an unwanted side-effect of imperfect physical components, but later distortion devices have been exploited in many different ways from overdriving electric guitars to warming up audio materials during everyday mixing.
Read guideReverbs & delays

Reverbs and delays became essential tools just as soon as they could be built. Whether you want some realistic space simulation or you want something creative and original, we have the products for you.
Read guideFilters

Filters are essential creative tools. The term filter is defined as a unit that can amplify or attenuate frequencies. The meaning for the audio community has changed however and there are now various filters that make all kinds of changes to any audio signal you feed them.
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