Tutorials: MXXX

MXXX teaser
MXXX is the ultimate effect. It is a modular beast containing all our effects in a simple interface with automatic routing matrix, super-versatile modulators and much more. It lets you do everything from simple equalization and compression to the wildest and most creative processing...

Video tutorial #1 - Basics & Routing
The first tutorial takes a look at the MXXX basics - how to manage effects in MXXX and route their.

Video tutorial #2 - Multi-band, Mid/Side, Mixing
The second MXXX tutorial shows how to use more advanced building blocks for multiband processing, mid/side conversion and various way to mix multiple signals.

Video tutorial #3 - Modulators, multiparameters and active presets
The 3rd MXXX tutorial shows how to use the modulators and multiparameters for some more creative processing and how to build your own active presets.

Video examples #1 - Serial, parallel processing...
The 1st MXXX example tutorial shows some basic serial/parallel processing ideas.

Video examples #2 - Adaptive chorus, mid/side stuff...
The 2nd example video tutorial shows some more advanced processing ideas featuring modulators, mid/side processing etc.

Ambient delay clouds with MXXX - Waning crescent effects
MXXX is a modular fx plugin that can be used to make all sorts of amazing delays. In this video I’ll show you how I made an ambient pitch shifted delay effect. In the video I combine pitch shifting, delays, granular, and reverb.

FX sequencing using MXXX
In this video I'll show you how you can create an fx sequencer that will play certain fx on specific beats. This is a rather simple use of MXXX, but it can be useful if you want to create moment in a static pattern.

XY Pads Morphing
Morph between 4 different parameters using the XY pad.

Resonant Impulse Responses in MXXX
Impulse responses are very versatile and can be used for many things. In this video you will see how you can create ones that resonate. These will resonate at certain frequencies and when you play that tone the IR will produce an beautiful ambient tone.

Resonant Impulse Responses in MXXX PT.2
In this follow up video you can see how you can take the idea from the first video and expand it.