Much more than just an ordinary delay... just check the 6 bands, modulators, filter...
MTurboDelay is the ultimate delay providing 41 delay plugins in a single beast...
The most powerful automatic panner in the world, a must-have for keyboards, guitars, drums...
Potentially the best sounding chorus effect on the market, but also the most versatile one!
Big guitars, big vocals... MDoubleTracker has been designed for just that!
A filter that can probably do more than you ever thought possible.
Morph between 2 audio materials, an indispensable tool for anyone who really wants to be creative.
An extremely versatile and musical sounding phaser, perfect for all kinds of audio material.
Design your own rotary cabinet from any material and up to 6 speakers, the ultimate rotary!
An extremely musical saturation plugin, combines the best from both the analogue and digital worlds.
MSpectralDelay takes the delay effect into the next level by letting you process individual frequencies.
Psychoacoustics based mono to stereo expander which makes tracks sound extremely wide and tight.
The art of live looping taken to the next level!
The most powerful tremolo in the world, a must-have for every audio engineer!
An extremely versatile vibrato effect featuring custom shapes, modulators and much more.
A perfect sounding rotary simulation based on the famous LeslieĀ® cabinets!
A unique distorting filter for dubstep wobbling basses, rhythmic pads, rotary organs...
The ultimate effect. A modular beast that lets you fulfill your wildest creative dreams!
An affordable way to get MXXX. It is cheap and you can buy only those modules you actually want.