Tutorials: Guides

Guide to MeldaProduction distortion plugins
The first guide from the MeldaProduction Guide series is about distortion plug-ins! Check this tutorial and get the essential info about 14 MeldaProduction distortion plugins.

Guide to MeldaProduction equalizers
The second guide from the MeldaProduction Guide series is about equalizer! Check this tutorial and find out which equalizer suits your needs the best!

Guide to MeldaProduction filter plugins
The third guide from MeldaProduction guide series is about filter plugins. Check this video to get an overview about these essential creative tools.

Guide to MeldaProduction modulation plugins
The 4th guide from the MeldaProduction Guide Series is about modulation plugins! Check this video and find your the most favourite modulation plugin.

Guide to MeldaProduction compressor plugins (and other dynamics)
The 5th guide from the MeldaProduction Guide Series is about compressor (and other dynamics) plugins! Check this video and get a short introduction to each of them to make your choice easier.

Guide to MeldaProduction spectral plugins
The 6th guide from the MeldaProduction Guide Series is about spectral plugins! Check this video guide and get more information about MeldaProduction spectral plugins.

Guide to MeldaProduction stereo plugins
The 7th guide from the MeldaProduction Guide Series is dedicated to stereo processors! These plugins change stereo image. Some of them modify an existing one. Others can create artificial stereo. There are a few methods to do that and our plugins cover all of them.

Guide to MeldaProduction unique plugins
The 8th guide from the MeldaProduction Guide Series is about unique plugins! These unique plugins do not really belong to any well-known group like equalizers or compressors for example. They can either improve your workflow, your sound, or both!

Guide to MeldaProduction reverb & delay plugins
The 9th guide from the MeldaProduction Guide Series is about reverb & delay plugins! Reverbs and delays became essential tools just as soon as they could be built. Whether you want some realistic space simulation or you want something creative and original, we have the products for you.