Unpublished product


The Cherry on Top

Your track is already great but you still feel it needs a little extra polish. A gentle push to perfection. That so-called cherry on top is FireSonic's FireMaster. This ultimate finisher and sonic exciter will give your tracks more body, air and perfect balance.

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Give your track the final touch

FireMaster is meant to be inserted as the last effect on any track to give it the final polish. It is the extra push that will make your bass, vocals, drums or final mix sound stronger than your competitors.

The body and colour

The sophisticated core algorithm is divided between two controls. Depth and Color controls are responsible for the psychoacoustic feel of great space and strong body.

Manage highs and lows

Don't reach for external EQs. FireMaster has precisely tuned controls for mastering bass and treble. It will give your tracks perfect bottoms and a great amount of fresh Air.

Maximal ease of use

The simplicity of use is based on the number of presets. You may choose one that fits your needs, and just by driving the Wet/Dry control, you add the desired amount of perfectness.


Even though contemporary computers' performance almost reaches the sky, there's always a need to administer it wisely. Although FireMaster is meant mainly for master tracks, the unit is highly optimized for use on multiple tracks without draining too much CPU power.

Be creative, be gentle

Although the name FireMaster suggests the plugin is made for mastering, you'd better be gentle and add just a little amount of effects on master tracks. The truth is FireMaster can be used with great results on vocals, bass, drums or any other tracks. Creativity knows no limits.

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