MTotalFXBundle changes

Please note that we use kernel version numbers, therefore all plugins have the same version number.

17.02 changes

  • MDelay Added a new free plugin MDelay.
  • MAutoAlign Added “Auto latency” feature to MAutoAlign.
  • Added “Phase reset” feature to frequency shifters.
  • MUtility Added oversampling option.
  • Small improvements and fixes.
  • Fix Plugin vertical panels like the Toolbar or Multiparameters had incorrect scaling on external screen with different DPI on macOS.
  • Fix Learning multiparameters/modulators didn’t learn range for new parameters properly.
  • Fix MUtility The cutoff frequency of the DC blocker was unstable when oversampling was used.
  • Fix MSoundFactory MXXX Randomizing the subplugin settings in MSoundFactory or MXXX froze the DAW.
  • Fix Latency caused by the oversampling settings wasn’t properly reported for subplugins.
  • Fix Clipboard was triggered by the Alt + c/v keys on Windows.
  • Fix The Option key did not work properly and prevented typing special characters in macOS.
  • Fix Fixed bugs in module bank management.
  • Fix MXXX Notepad subplugin was not opening properly.

17.01 changes

  • Improved parameter right click menu - added Lock, assigning to MP/Mod…
  • Fix Plugins with devices had missing fonts; the font cache was rebuilt when upgrading to v17 plugins.
  • Fix The VST3 parameter (right-click) menu was displayed far away from the parameter on macOS and HiDPI screens.

17.00 changes

  • Plugin installation and activation via the new MPluginManager application.
  • Added UraniumDark GUI style to all plugins.
  • Added “Maximum from average” analysis graph to most analyzers.
  • Added ”Remove resonances trigger” to all MAutoDynamicEQ plugin and DynamicEQ module.
  • MBassador Added “First channel only” switch to MBassador, to allow applying the processing to the first input channel only (useful for e.g Ambisonics, M/S).
  • MSpectralDynamics Added “EQ affects dry signal” switch to MSpectralDynamics to allow dry signal to pass unaffected by the EQ when “ApplyEQ” is on.
  • MTurboDelay Added presets to individual MTurboDelay devices.
  • MSoundFactory MXXX Added “Enable latency reporting” for individual sub-plugins in MSoundFactory and MXXX.
  • Added a “+” button next to most preset buttons that will create a new preset named by current date and time.
  • Added presets for individual instruments to areas feature in equalizers.
  • MCompare Added “Blind test always random” option to MCompare.
  • MUtility Added “Volume playback ON” and “Volume playback OFF” parameters providing volume controls applied only when playback is enabled/disabled.
  • MReverbMB MReverb Added IR button to MReverbMB.
  • MOscilloscope Added option to display multiple periods of the signal.
  • Added “Enable scrolling without ctrl/cmd” option to global settings.
  • Added zooming support to oscillator harmonics.
  • Added FL Cloud support.
  • Various small fixes and improvements.
  • Fix MMultiAnalyzer Plugin did not store the collapsed state for the left panel "Visual parameters & graphs".
  • Fix Plugin easy screen window was not updating correctly, when detached from main plugin window (edit and easy screen visible at the same time).
  • Fix MTurboComp [MTurboCompMB] Locked parameters were sometimes overwritten when switching devices.
  • Fix MCompare prevent the crash when running in pure generator mode.
  • Fix MWaveShaper Plugin did freeze under Logic Pro when the randomize button was used.
  • Fix MIDI note controllers could not be disabled using the checkbox.
  • Fix MTurboReverb When loading presets stored by the DAW, the GUI window was sometimes blank.
  • Fix AU plugins sometimes loaded without Toolbar and Meter expander buttons.
  • Fix MChorusMB In multi-mode device, the solo button of the A chorus didn't work.
  • Fix MCompressor MCompressor didn’t work properly as sidechain gate.
  • Fix MDrumStrip plugin did crash when any submodule was re-selected again.

16.11 changes

  • MCenter MMixingFXBundle MMasteringFXBundle MTotalFXBundle MCompleteBundle Added new MCenter plugin, free for MMixingFXBundle, MMasteringFXBundle, MTotalFXBundle and MCompleteBundle users.
  • MWaveShaperMB Added new device MFlator emulating certain well-known plugin.
  • MTurboAmp Added new pedal “Clarity drive”.
  • MGuitarArchitect Added multichannel and multithreading support to NAM for the models based on the standard WaveNet architecture and stability fixes.
  • MXXX Added several “Ex” version of modules with easy screens.
  • MSpectralDynamics Added Link option, that allows you to process each channel individually.
  • Added “Machine learning” feature to most plugins (in the Utilities panel). Note: Not for beginners.
  • MSuperLooper Improved custom play function in non-synced mode. It can stop/resume playback, regardless of the DAW playback state.
  • MTurboAmp Added new pedal “Clarity drive”.
  • Multiparameter banks in “Bank name” editor mode and “Switch” and “Checkboxes” no longer show default numbers instead of names if not specified and instead these values simply disappear.
  • MAutoDynamicEq Added “DynamicEqEx” module to modular effects, which provides the full featured MAutoDynamicEq.
  • Highly optimized searching for missing files (samples usually).
  • Improved module banks in modular plugins: Maximal number increased to 128 matching MP banks, created a proper editing interface, added ability to name banks, change their order, exchange names between MPs and the module…
  • Various small fixes and improvements.
  • Fix MCompare Generate source menu was disabled.
  • Fix MTurboDelay Device “Tap my pitch up” did not remember level bar settings.
  • Fix Modulators / Envelope / MIDI settings / Note max didn’t work.
  • Fix Modulators, first modulator did not lead its sync group.
  • Fix When using the menu in Feedback module / Channel, the values set were wrong by 1.
  • Fix license check, when plugin runs under MS Windows service, i.e Equalizer APO.
  • Fix MGuitarArchitect MXXX Sync in the basic Looper module in MGuitarArchitect and MXXX didn’t work.
  • Fix Gain reduction (R Meter) in multi band plugins, when some band was bypassed.
  • Fix VST3 plugin size issues on external screen under Presonus Studio One 6.
  • Fix Snap to grid in graphs was sometimes changing units even if there was no need to.
  • Fix Input gain was performed for each band in Serial crossover in multiband plugins.
  • Fix MCabinet Thunder device thumbnail was not correct.
  • Fix Multiparameter “edit information about the MP” dialog, if edit window was canceled.
  • Fix MAutoEqualizer The "Remove resonances" function in MAutoEqualizer, MAutoEqualizerLP and MAutoDynamicEQ did not limit according to specified maximum bands setting.
  • Fix MGuitarArchitect The NeuralAmpLoader thread count option was disabled upon startup and not working properly when the model was loaded from saved settings.
  • Fix MGuitarArchitect The NeuralAmpLoader NAM model was not updated when changed by MP.
  • Fix MMultiAnalyzer Plugin did not load default settings and settings from projects for loudness & wave tab, i.e. horizontal loudness guides.
  • Fix No GUI for VST3 plugins under Native Instruments products, i.e. Izotope RX10.

16.10 changes

  • MXXX MSoundFactory Added Clipper module to all modular plugins such as MXXX, including MSoundFactory as per-voice.
  • MChannelMatrix Improved plugin GUI to better cope with high channel counts used in ambisonics for example.
  • MXXX MGuitarArchitect Added NeuralAmpLoader module from MGuitarArchitect.
  • Minor fixes and improvements.
  • Fix MGuitarArchitect Using global doubler on a mono track caused a crash.
  • Fix MGuitarArchitect NeuralAmpLoader did not process the initially loaded model.
  • Fix Multiparameter selection didn’t choose actual MultiParameter.
  • Fix Multiparameters in randomizer mode didn’t store proper undo points.
  • Fix MXXX MXXX was utilizing more memory than needed.
  • Fix XYPad sluggish behaviour under macOS.
  • Fix AU GUI plugin size issue with GPU OFF under macOS Sonoma (Logic Pro, GarageBand).

16.09 changes

  • MSoundFactory MTurboAmp Plugins with custom devices (MSoundFactory, MTurboAmp etc.) now provide device list with images for easier workflow. Never used devices are also marked as “new”.
  • MTurboAmp MGuitarArchitect Added Mouse pedal to MTurboAmp and MGuitarArchitect.
  • MGuitarArchitect Added input HP/LP filters and output EQ to NeuralAmpLoader.
  • MFlanger MAutopan Added parameter Count, which multiplies the sync length, to all plugins with Synchronization panel (MFlanger, MAutopan etc.).
  • MGuitarArchitect Added output gain normalization to NeuralAmpLoader plugin.
  • Added “Custom” ambisonics order, where you can set any number of channels from 1 to 64. Useful for Dolby Atmos for example.
  • MSoundFactory MXXX Added Selector module to MSoundFactory, MXXX and other modular plugins. It lets you switch between modules, so that only one is played at the moment. It has been designed for easy implementation of instrument articulations in MSoundFactory.
  • Target & Source have been renamed to This & Ideal in all automatic equalizers.
  • MTurboEQ Added new device Milteq.
  • Various improvements and fixes.
  • Fix MGuitarArchitect NeuralAmpLoader plugin crashing with more instances.
  • Fix Help window could not be closed/not responding in some plugins.
  • Fix MDrumStrip MTurboDelay MXXX MDrumStrip and MTurboDelay could generate demonoise when inserted into MXXXCore.
  • Fix Using MIDI to control parameters didn’t store undo points and send automation.
  • Fix MSaturator Saturators could not clip the output with “Clipping at the end” option in some settings.
  • Fix Buzzing on higher channels in Adobe Audition / Premiere Pro under certain circumstances.
  • Fix MWaveShaper Dragging units weren’t displayed correctly in asymmetric mode.
  • Fix MSpectralDynamics MXXX Switching graphs didn’t immediately update inside MXXX.
  • Fix MSuperLooper Loop length in sync mode for whole range of set tempos in DAW.
  • Fix MCabinet Filters in ”Analyze IR folder” feature didn’t work.
  • Fix Graphs may have not been stored correctly if there were only 2 default points and the only difference was smoothing of the second point.

16.08 changes

  • MGuitarArchitect Added NeuralAmpLoader plugin to support Neural Amp Models (*.nam files).
  • MSuperLooper Added visualization of main loop position.
  • Added Tap feature to all time as text editors.
  • Added text convertors to multiparameter’s expression value modes allowing to easily produce text such as “12.3 kHz” or “46.91 Hz - F#1 (+24 cents)”.
  • MCabinet Added ability to use more complex keyword expressions to “Analyze IR folder” feature.
  • MXXXCore MXXX MXXXCore now displays all unlicenced modules in the device (if any are missing).
  • Fix MSuperLooper Not recording in sync mode in Ableton under certain circumstances.
  • Fix MTurboComp MTurboCompMB had easy screen and was crashing when switching between devices.
  • Fix Mouse cursor behavior under macOS, when changing parameters (i.e dragging knobs).
  • Fix MTurboDelay MTurboDelay devices had a backwards compatibility issue in the last update related to the new delay input gain parameter.
  • Fix Multiband plugins didn’t update Solo button state when Mute was automated/modulated.
  • Fix Serial crossover in multiband plugins didn’t work properly when bands where bypassed.
  • Fix MXXX EqualizerLP didn’t store oversampling inside MXXX.

16.07 changes

  • MGuitarArchitect Added a global tuner, polytuner and global doubler to MGuitarArchitect.
  • MDrumStrip Added Gate reduction indicator to all devices with a gate.
  • MSuperLooper Added new parameter “Immediate loop switch” which makes the switch between loops happen immediately.
  • MWobbler Added analyzer and visualization for used filters.
  • MDrumStrip Increased release time range for Tom & Tom bus devices.
  • MOscilloscope Added Gain parameter.
  • MTurboDelay Added input gain and dry/wet lock to all devices.
  • Added “Nonlinear gain” feature to parametric & dynamic equalizers.
  • Added “Key (in octave)” mode to MIDI / Note controllers.
  • Various small changes and improvements.
  • Fix MDrumStrip MDrumStrip was inducing latency in some devices.
  • Fix AU GUI plugin size issues under macOS with multiple displays (Logic Pro, GarageBand).
  • Fix Plugins could incorrectly store certain paths and text featuring some characters.
  • Fix Mouse cursor behavior under macOS, when changing parameters (i.e dragging knobs).
  • Fix MDrumStrip Reverb in Tom bus device didn’t update all parameters properly when changing reverb algorithm.
  • Fix Setup may have caused errors (able to skip) when merging presets.
  • Fix Setting the default parameter value through the context menu did not update host automation.
  • Fix Hacked a bug in Ableton Live causing text input in the main plugin to ignore backspace and enter keys.

16.06 changes

  • MDrumStrip MCompleteBundle Released MDrumStrip, free for MMixingBundle, MTotalBundle and MCompleteBundle users.
  • MSuperLooper Changed loop length display format to 2 decimal places.
  • Added “Rainbow opacity” setting to analyzers.
  • Added “Normalize above 0dB” option to analyzers, on by default.
  • Added “Process side-chain” option to all multiband plugins, which allows you to avoid processing the side-chain using the selected crossover.
  • Fix MSuperLooper Fixed recording in Sync mode when no loop was selected.
  • Fix MSuperLooper Note off behaviour on start/stop recording.
  • Fix VST2 and VST3 GUI plugin size issues under macOS with multiple displays.

16.05 changes

Note: DC filters have been auto-enabled for MTurboComp to avoid saturators creating DC offset. DC filters have also been switched to a more transparent version. None of the changes seems to have any audible effect, but should fix potential problems for longer effect chains.

  • MTurboAmp Added metal bass amp Basstard, guitar amps Artemis, Nyx and Tulsa, and overdrive pedal Snack overdrive.
  • Added filter band graphs for better visualization to all equalizers.
  • Added “Fix all targets” feature to GUI designer.
  • MSuperLooper Added support for different lengths of loops in the main track and removed limitations of this track.
  • MSuperLooper Changed logic of reset loop button on each track.
  • MFreeformEqualizer Added “EQ on smoothness change” option to automatic equalizer module.
  • MFreeformEqualizer MAutoDynamicEq MAutoEqualizer MCabinet Added “Smoothness settings” to MFreeformEqualizer, MAutoDynamicEq,MAutoEqualizer and MCabinet, which lets you create a custom smoothing per frequency - typically to smoothen bass frequencies more than high frequencies.
  • MAutoAlign Removed “Sleep on silence” feature as that had no effect and caused problems with analysis.
  • Plugins now store undo points when adding/removing parameters from multi parameters and modulators.
  • MTuner Added “Pitch detection mode” parameter to various places, which use a pitch detector, such as MTuner, modulators etc.
  • Added option “Origin is Off” to all multiparameters.
  • Minor improvements and fixes.
  • Fix Unnamed group of MPs after another named group created an unnamed panel in the device GUI.
  • Fix MEqualizer MAutoEqualizer Band solo/mute did not work for eq graphs in MEqualizerLP and MAutoEqualizerLP.
  • Fix MSuperLooper The very first loop can be recorded in any position(1-4) of the track now.
  • Fix MSuperLooper Option “Recording stops at main loop” did not work in Sync mode and Default bars set to OFF.
  • Fix MSuperLooper Clear track button disappearing on track with loops.
  • Fix MMetronome MMetronome was causing double-hits in some cases.
  • Fix MFreeformEqualizer Dry/wet was affecting automatic equalization.
  • Fix Preset backup restore was failing.
  • Fix VST2.x and VST3 GUI plugin size issues under macOS with multiple displays used.
  • Fix GUI has sometimes been resized in some rare conditions.
  • Fix MAutoAlign Analysis didn’t produce correct results when each instances was used with a different sampling rates (rare case with DAWs allowing that).
  • Fix Analyzers didn’t store the “Global normalization” option.

16.04 changes

  • MTurboAmp Added “Capitalist bass fuzz” pedal and “Bass 1950” amp.
  • MFreeformEqualizer Added Dry/Wet for easier workflow.
  • MSuperLooper Export directory for .wav files is made only when dragging loops to DAW.
  • Improved multi-core processing for Apple silicon processors.
  • Most analyzers now let you customize the axis & grid colors.
  • Added Parameter expressions to Muliparameters in normal and meter modes.
  • Added “Min is Off” and “Max is Off” options to multiparameters.
  • MTurboAmp Added Dry/Wet to all stages.
  • Added Gain parameter to Mixer module.
  • Multiparameters used for Order controls can now have additional info about color and enable MP index in the multiparameter info.
  • MSaturator Added “Clip at the end” option.
  • Various small improvements and fixes to plugins and MDownloader.
  • Fix MGuitarArchitect EQ-Bass device didn’t work.
  • Fix Title enable buttons didn’t work in non-custom GUI if the multiparameter mode wasn’t Switch.
  • Fix Randomizer could change the global oversampling.
  • Fix MRecorder Retrospective record sample rate did not correspond with DAW settings.

16.03 changes

  • MXXX MSoundFactory MDrummer Added a powerful Compander module to all modular plugins such as MXXX, MSoundFactory and MDrummer.
  • MCabinet Added cabinets : Aluminium, Bismuth, Cabmium, Cobalt, Hard key, Iridium, Lithium, Nitrogen, Radon, Xenon
  • MGuitarArchitect Added stompboxes : EQ-Bass, WahVolume
  • MRecorder added record only above threshold feature, which will start recording only if input peak audio level is above set threshold. Added info about saving.
  • MRecorder added retrospective recording, which if enabled, records automatically in background, even if normal recording is OFF or paused.
  • MTurboAmp Added Compander to all stages.
  • MGuitarArchitect Added DelayTap module.
  • Added native ARM AAX support on macOS.
  • MTuner Detected cents visualisation parameter now shows proper value in cents, so that it is displayed better in most DAWs.
  • “MPs to update in root” option for banks in modules in modular plugins exchanged to “MPs to update level” providing more flexibility.
  • Advanced right click menu on easy screens now works even in submodules.
  • Various minor improvements and fixes.
  • Fix MRecorder When “Synchronize all instances” was used and record was canceled, it did not delete records from all instances.
  • Fix Destroying a plugin with tabset, in which some tabs are disabled as popups, could lead to a crash.
  • Fix Sample rate reducer caused infinite feedback when the reduced sample rate was above the project’s sample rate.
  • MTurboReverb Device ‘Cobalt plate’ was loading with incorrect parameter values.
  • MTurboComp Devices where displaying incorrect title and help.
  • Fix Reordering multiparameters with partly enabled “Assignable parameter ranges” could mess up the targets.
  • Fix Preset backup may have not imported presets created by versions prior to V16.

16.02 changes

  • MTurboAmp Added new amps (Ceres, Liber) and pedals (Blues OD, Keba fuzz)
  • Arpeggiator allows selecting multiple octave shifts per step.
  • Minor improvements and fixes
  • Added “Expression” value mode to multiparameters, which lets you produce custom units using mathematical expressions.
  • MTurboFilter MUtility Added more operators and improved documentation for all “mathematical expression” fields (e.g. MTurboFilter and MUtility)
  • Most plugins now contain the global Menu button for easier access to the Downloader and the “Detach device” feature.
  • MConvolutionMB Added “Supply missing channels” option, useful to disable on surround/ambisonics processing.
  • Randomizer multiparameters (and triggers in general) can be now triggered from other MPs, modulators etc.
  • MAutoAlign Added support for showing used groups in plugin group list.
  • MTurboDelay Added info to individual devices and possibility to store presets for each device.
  • MMultiAnalyzer MMultiAnalyzer now displays number of duplicates to ease work with multiple projects at the same time.
  • Downloader now displays version number for each installed product. The updates are still installed automatically upon startup.
  • Added “High-resolution automation for Logic” option for AU plugins on Mac, which could solve the horrific automation resolution problem in Logic. It is dangerous, so use it at your own risk.
  • MSuperLooper Added drag & drop feature for loops to DAW, or other tracks.
  • MSaturator MWaveShaper Added gain reduction meter to plugins: MSaturator, MSaturatorMB, MWaveShaper, MWaveShaperMB
  • MAutoAlign Added plugin toolbar featuring WAV rendering for example.
  • Fix MTurboEQ Passive device modified the sound even with “zero” settings, which after further investigation wasn’t correct.
  • Fix Equalizers could crash in ambisonics channel mode.
  • Fix Uninstaller could produce “Cannot delete registry key” error message.
  • Fix MSuperLooper MSuperLooper could crash when mangling with track Input and Output values.
  • Fix Using global modulators driven by feedback could lead to problems if the buffer sizes were changing or if MIDI (or other) events have been intercepted.
  • Fix Plugins could freeze when changing multiparameter mode in some extreme circumstances.
  • Fix Multiline edits did not properly understand Mac newlines.
  • Fix Preset backup didn’t work properly with the new format.
  • Fix Group based phase sync between modules & modulators didn’t work.

16.01 changes

  • MXXX MSoundFactory Added “Reducer” module to MXXX and MSoundFactory.
  • MTurboAmp MCabinet Added Bradford Chap amp to MTurboAmp and cabinet to MCabinet.
  • MTuner Added velocity min parameter to MTuner for better velocity level calculation.
  • Added color frequencies for spectrum analyzers (red to violet like rainbow spectrum).
  • MRecorder Added “Restart when playback starts” option to MRecorder.
  • MSuperLooper MSuperLooper no longer selects the first track after “Reset all”.
  • MGuitarArchitect Added Comp, CompStudio and PreampBass stomp boxes.
  • MGuitarArchitect MGuitarArchitect doesn’t store Input in presets anymore to make sure you don’t need to reanalyze the guitar level when changing presets.
  • Various small fixes and improvements.
  • Fix Linear-phase equalizers could crash when changing oversampling settings.
  • Fix Hopefully hacked a macos bug crashing when installer is closing.
  • Fix DIsabling note MIDI controller made it not saved with the settings.

16.00 changes

Backwards compatibility is intact, however note that there is a new optimized storage system using a new format. If you save projects with the new version, old versions won't be able to read the settings. If you'd need to downgrade for any reason, first go to "Settings / Compatibility settings" and enable "Storage compatibility mode for V15", then save the settings.

Also note that V16 no longer provides 32-bit plugins on Windows. You should be able to run V15 32-bit along with V16 though. Simply do not uninstall V15 and do not perform plugin cleanup.

  • MTurboAmp Added amps for MTurboAmp: Phobos, Overstage ST-12, Junko, Mithras, Hard Key (bass), Thunder (bass)
  • MCabinet Added cabinets for MCabinet: Shimmer, Thunder (bass)
  • Added "Parallel loading threads" global setting useful for older systems with HDDs, where parallel loading may be contraproductive.
  • Added Surround & Ambisonics presets.
  • Preset name of Main controllers is stored now.
  • Added solo button to Mixer module inputs.
  • MMultiAnalyzer MMultiAnalyzer now stores the loudness time-graph switch state.
  • Holding Ctrl/Cmd while right clicking any oscillator editor now resets the phase.
  • MMultiAnalyzer MMultiAnalyzer can now display peak frequencies for all tracks.
  • Categorizers now show a heart icon instead of “Favourites” to make the purpose more obvious.
  • Custom buttons generating MIDI notes flash when their MIDI note is received.
  • Product generator now allows manually enabling/disabling each file to include.
  • Added “Detach device” to plugins without categorizer, which removes association with any device, so one can create devices as presets.
  • Added Multi parameter value mode: “By bank number and name”, which displays MP number and name at the same time.
  • MStereoSpread Added max frequency to spectral generator.
  • MGuitarArchitect Added Globals section to MGuitarArchitect.
  • MVocoder MVocoder now highlights graphs, which are enabled.
  • MVocoder Added Band panorama graph.
  • MAutoAlign Added plugin count in groups for better orientation.
  • MTuner Added velocity range parameter to output MIDI notes w/ velocity from 0 to 127.
  • Fix Band selection feature in equalizers was colliding with auto-listen.
  • Fix WAV import could lead to a crash in case of corrupt metadata.
  • Fix Improved SFZ import compatibility.
  • Fix MTurboDelay Some MTurboDelay devices didn't store the state properly.
  • Fix MTurboReverb MTurboReverbMB didn't have band devices.
  • Fix Uninstaller could crash on macOS.
  • Fix Serial crossover was displaying unused parameters in MB plugins.
  • Fix Cancelling graph editing may have not taken effect when it comes to audio.
  • Fix MTurboReverb MTurboReverb & MCharmReverb sound may have changed a lot with extremely high sampling rates (resulting from oversampling).
  • Fix Showing and hiding an invisible tab popup could cause visual glitches.
  • Fix Online licence update displayed weird message with account containing no licences.
  • Fix Multiparameters in switch/trigger mode didn’t have a edit screen context menu for MIDI learn etc.
  • Fix Finetuning graphs/eqs in zoomed mode didn’t work well.
  • Fix Editing oscillator shape phase by dragging the main view didn’t tak effect in some cases.
  • Fix Global modulators in Random mode with “Change on MIDI note” option may have not worked in some cases.
  • Fix Creating easy screens in plugins without categorizer automatically attached the first device.
  • Fix MSuperLooper MSuperLooper could crash in surround mode.
  • Fix removed help caption button in help window.
  • Fix MTurboReverb Lithium plate could cause infinite feedback.
  • Fix MSuperLooper Recording main loop with Sync and Default bars set would automatically switch to overdubbing even if that option was disabled.

15.02 changes

  • MCabinet Added new cabinets : Excelsior small, Excelsior huge
  • MTurboDelay Added new device Oktafon.
  • Major memory and loading speed optimizations.
  • Added sonogram to various audio file view (samplers, convolution..).
  • Improved default sonogram colors.
  • Improved searching for missing files.
  • Added "Sort banks by name" to multiparameter Bank mode features.
  • Added zooming in individual axes in graph editors using mouse wheel with cursor over that axis.
  • Tablet mode returned for sake of problematic tablets.
  • Custom GUI buttons can now generate MIDI notes to create drum triggers for example.
  • Added MIDI channel & note range to Envelope mode in modulators.
  • Added Infinite mode to Integrator module.
  • Added selection using rectangle dragging to all equalizers.
  • Added "Each target different" option to Random mode of all global modulators.
  • Position and size of controls can now be set from Custom GUI designer's item window.
  • MAutoDynamicEq Added hidden parameters to MAutoDynamicEq, allowing you to trigger analysis / automatic equalization using MIDI for example.
  • MConvolutionMB MConvolutionMB audio view now displayes the audio after envelope (level, lp, hp) processing.
  • MAutoStereoFix Added WAV+ button to the toolbar, which lets you batch process files, but unlike normal WAV button it also performs analysis on each of them.
  • MOscilloscope MOscilloscope's scope now displays frequency, note and cents.
  • Added Shift to all parametric equalizers (including plugins featuring a parametric equalizer) allowing you to pitch shift the EQ curve.
  • Scrollable panes will now only accept mouse wheel when holding Alt (or potentially other keys) to provide a safer and cleaner workflow.
  • MSuperLooper Added "Prev/next cycle" option to MSuperLooper.
  • Added "Disable when bypassed" option to modular systems. Note that this option is somewhat dangerous, so please check the information about it.
  • IR export (in plugins with this feature) now produces 24-bit wav files if the maximum is in range -40dB to 0dB to improve compatibility with HW processors.
  • Added "Controls MPs" option to multiparameters. Useful in more complex device design.
  • Added "Single shot" option to most MIDI reset processors.
  • Added prev/next device arrows to device selectors.
  • Improved MPE support by sending sustain to all channels.
  • "Enable MIDI program change" to solve problems with DAWs/controllers sending program changes for no reason.
  • Changed multiparameter list on edit screen for easier workflow.
  • Improved downloader.
  • Various improvements and fixes.
  • Fix Notes with velocity 1 were ignored by VST3 plugins.
  • Fix Multiparameters with "By bank name interpolated" value mode couldn't parse text values when the values were not ascending.
  • Fix MRecorder Drag & drop button for the recorded file didn't work.
  • Fix Online activation could fail with odd characters in the email address.
  • Fix VST3 native parameter menu didn't contain all items.
  • Fix MSuperLooper MSuperLooper could crash when recording has started on macOS with M1.
  • Fix MConvolutionMB MConvolutionMB could crash when browsing between files some of which could take long to load and the others are corrupt.
  • Fix MAGC MAGC didn't keep the gain when "Set output gain" was enabled after reloading.
  • Fix ARP MIDI output could be inaccurate in timing for big audio buffer sizes in some cases.
  • Fix Using some advanced graph editing features on oscillator custom shapes may have not updated the audio processing.
  • Fix Using frequency modulation in MSynthesizer4NN could cause problems.
  • Fix MAutoPitch MAutoPitch could produce silence until a pitch has been detected.
  • Fix Integrated loudness meters provided incorrect results after measuring more than 1 hour of audio.

15.01 changes

  • Fix Oversampling editor didn't allow the maximum value.
  • Fix MXXX MXXX 3rd party product installation didn't work properly.
  • Fix Right-click default didn't work well with bar graphs.
  • Fix MAGC Installer's full system cleanup could remove DLLs with names prefixing the plugin names such as MAGCommand.dll
  • Fix Improved VST3 compatibility with Studio One for plugins with multiple outputs.

15.00 changes

  • Added easy screens to most plugins with easy screen devices.
  • Added Transient feature to dynamic equalizers, which lets the bands react not only to the level, but also transients, or both.
  • MSuperLooper Improved MSuperLooper workflow by adding access to all loops in each track. Added hidden parameters to toggle play, reverse, immediate clear, and switch between loops of selected track.
  • Right click now provides more common menu with ability to get default value, MIDI learn etc. and smoothly integrates with VST3 DAWs. For default value without menu please hold ctrl when right-clicking.
  • MLoudnessAnalyzer MLoudnessAnalyzer batch processing now displays not only requested gain, but also original integrated loudness.
  • MTurboReverb MTurboFilter Added status line for the algorithm in MTurboReverb and MTurboFilter, useful when programming the algorithm.
  • LP/HP filter frequencies are now available in the EQ editor title as parameters, so that the frequencies can be set accurately.
  • Plugins now support multimonitor setups with different DPIs between monitors.
  • Added Serial crossover to all multiband plugins.
  • Added "Neon JP" style, which supports Japanese characters.
  • Added "Silence when busy" advanced option into the Settings.
  • MXXX Added ability to disallow MXXX devices with a flag by ctrl/cmd + clicking on it. Also, Shift + click on any flag disables all flags in the category.
  • MCabinet Added Pitch to MCabinet.
  • MCabinet Added bass & treble decay to MCabinet wideners.
  • Added "Enable bank & program change for the categorizer" option (default on) to plugins with categorized devices, which let you switch between the devices and their presets using bank select and program change MIDI messages.
  • XY pads with "XY-pad between banks" flag can now use 3 banks or more. For 4 banks a classic XY pad is created, for other number of banks a new circular pad is used.
  • Global bypass is now available as a parameter accessible via multiparameter for example.
  • MUtility Added "Silence when REALTIME" and "Silence when OFFLINE" switches to MUtility.
  • Modular plugins now use horizontal scrollbars to make sure everything fits inside them even when nesting modulars inside modulars etc.
  • Crossover Disabled renamed to Parallel to avoid confusion.
  • MTuner Added "Emit pitch-bend" feature to MTuner.
  • Added "Advanced" switch to multiparameters allowing to create 2 easy screen GUIs - Basic and Advanced.
  • Upsampling renamed to more appropriate Oversampling and is now available as a target for multiparameters.
  • MXXX Added IR button for exporting impulse responses to MXXX.
  • MDrumReplacer Added "Auto-gain" feature to MDrumReplacer.
  • It is now possible to drop files into ConvolutionBank's list.
  • MXXX Added StompBox module to MXXX.
  • Many improvements in custom GUI editor for devices.
  • Various GUI, performance and stability improvements.
  • Installer has been optimized.
  • MTurboReverb MTurboReverb's Saturation module now performs -1.5dB output gain to avoid feedback cumulation.
  • MRecorder Added multiple options for filename postfix to MRecorder.
  • MDrumReplacer Added Invert to MDrumReplacer (both global and per-layer).
  • MXXX MSuperLooper MXXX and MSuperLooper now provide 128 MIDI controllers and note controllers, parameters of the 32 first can be attached to modulation/multiparameters.
  • Added "Store" and "Store in presets" option to multiparameters, useful when designing devices.
  • MCabinet MCabinet Analyse IR feature doesn't close the window anymore allowing to easily browse multiple IRs.
  • MIDI thru option has been added to Settings.
  • Plugins now regularly check for updates and potential quick tutorials (to be made).
  • Holding ctrl/cmd while double clicking a popup title will smaller it to the minimum possible size.
  • Invert parameter of all oscillators is now available as target for modulators/multiparameters.
  • MMetronome Added TempoTap feature to MMetronome.
  • MXXX Added MXXX6in6out version, usefull only for DAWs supporting effects with more than 2 inputs and outputs.
  • Plugins now preset parameter names to the DAW starting with the name followed by the group, to ensure it will be displayed better in limited size automation lanes for example.
  • Map feature now detects duplicites (a parameter being modified by multiple subsystems, such as multiparameters and modulators), which are typical sources for incorrect device behaviour.
  • Improved touch-screen support.
  • MSpectralDynamics MSpectralDynamics' capture feature is now available via multiparameters.
  • MAGC Added "Side-chain listen" feature to MAGC.
  • LU meters now let you select Target via right click menu. Especially useful for limiters.
  • Added ability to display both Easy and Edit screens at the same time by ctrl + clicking the Edit button.
  • Band list in parametric equalizers is now layouted vertically for better workflow.
  • Improved activation & subscription workflow.
  • MAutoAlign Added more groups to MAutoAlign.
  • FreqShifter improved to allow extremely quick shift modulation and avoid clicks when crossing 0Hz.
  • MCabinet It is now possible to drop IR files to MCabinet graph and dedicated buttons in the profile mixer.
  • MSuperLooper Added "Recording stops at main loop" option to MSuperLooper.
  • Added support for VST3 AI knob (only main plugin window, AI knob cannot support popup windows).
  • Right-clicking a parameter attached to a subsystem (multiparameter/mod/MIDI) lets you display the subsystem's editor.
  • Added virtual folders to the root of all directory trees allowing easier access to user, desktop etc. and solving macOS's problem with inaccessible /Users.
  • Added icons for folders and files in all file and folder browsers.
  • MSoundFactory MRecorder Added Cancel feature to MRecorder.
  • Fix Modulating saturation in equalizers could produce zipper noise.
  • Fix MTurboReverb Bathroom device in MTurboReverb was causing infinite feedback in some models.
  • Fix MXXX MSuperLooper TurboReverb module wasn't available in MXXX/MSuperLooper even when a bundle licence was available.
  • Fix Double clicking a "Load source" file in automatic equalizers would setup the EQ even if target wasn't analyzed yet.
  • Fix MCabinet MCabinet profile mixer could cause temporary problems when changing parameters and visualisation didn't work properly.
  • Fix MCabinet Import WAV in MCabinet was causing crashes.
  • Fix MConvolutionMB "Test tone" didn't work when sleep on silence was active in MConvolutionMB.
  • Fix Displaying tabs as popups could lead to various problems with windows positioning and crashes.
  • Fix "Automatic sleep on silence" could cause trouble in some specific percussive cases.
  • Fix MBassador MBassador could cause high level bursts in some extreme cases using the "Range to 20kHz" mode.
  • Fix Learning multiple module Enable states in a modular systems might have not worked, learning would stop after the first one.
  • Fix ConvolutionBank module selection via an MP didn't work.
  • Fix MXXX MXXX6out could mix all output channels to 1 if a module with latency has been used.
  • Fix Installer installed hidden alpha plugins after using "Select all" and didn't mark version in Windows system.
  • Fix MMultiAnalyzer "Show/Hide all" may have not update the display in some tabs in MMultiAnalyzer.
  • Fix "Meter In dB" modular parameter for metering didn't work.
  • Fix Plugins could crash in plugin benchmark and some other circumstances if VST2 interface was used with surround enabled.
  • Fix Multiparameters ignored transformation shapes per parameter in banks mode.
  • Fix MCompare MCompare sync didn't work in some cases.
  • Fix MCompressor MCompressor stopped working with threshold at 0dBFS.
  • Fix Some equalizers produces zipper noise when a was being moved while having soft saturation enabled.
  • Fix MSuperLooper MSuperLooper may have not played imported loops.
  • Fix Windows installer may have not installed user data when executed on nonadmin account.
  • Fix MTurboReverb Copy/paste and presets for MTurboReverb's ERs didn't work properly.
  • Fix MTurboReverb Crossover module in MTurboReverb may have malfunctined.
  • Fix MSuperLooper MSuperLooper could fail to crossfade if overdubbing started/ended while already playing something.
  • Fix Per-band mute didn't work for multiband plugins if they had just a single band.
  • Fix MTurboReverb Multiple MTurboReverb fixes for extreme cases.
  • Fix MMetronome MMetronome didn't work correctly for other signatures than x/4.
  • Fix MIDI thru wasn't saved with default settings in some plugins.
  • Fix Prefiltering option in Integrated loudness meters didn't have any effect.
  • Fix Settings the crossover mode to Serial would cause a crash in some plugins.

14.16 changes

  • Added enhanced aliasing improving the audio quality for most saturation algorithms available throughout the plugins. The downside is slightly higher CPU usage. It can be disabled from settings if needed.
  • MXXX MSuperLooper MTurboReverb MFilter MXXXCore and MSuperLooper now also unlock MTurboReverb with only MTurboReverbLE licence and Equalizer with MFilter licence.
  • Added native Apple Silicon CPU (currently M1) support.
  • MCabinet Added "Profile mixer" to MCabinet.
  • MMultiAnalyzer Added groups to MMultiAnalyzer.
  • Easy screen locks for title buttons have been moved to the left for consistency reasons.
  • Preset search fields are now highlighted in red to highlight them and avoid confusion when user forgets that something is written in there.
  • MCCGenerator Added "High accuracy" switch to MCCGenerator.
  • MultiParameters in banks mode can now create custom categorization for switcher menu by setting banks names to "category#text".
  • Added Channel parameter to MIDI settings / Program change in presets.
  • Holding Alt when clicking various copy buttons will allow exporting as XML button for editing as text. You can then edit the text and ctrl + pasting it back.
  • Fix Automating multiparameters when the plugin was sleeping made no effect.
  • Fix Closing text edit popup with escape key didn't work.
  • Fix Keys A, C and V were forwarded to the DAW even if the plugin edit was actually using them.
  • Fix MDrumReplacer MDrumReplacer's MIDI output didn't work in some DAWs.
  • Fix MTurboReverb MTurboReverb delay order down was sorted up instead.
  • Fix Downloader could crash when installing certain 3rd party products.
  • Fix MSoundFactory MDrummer MDrumReplacer Downloader requested a correct MSoundFactory path even when installing MDrummer/MDrumReplacer data.
  • Fix MRhythmizer MRhythmizer could ignore MIDI commands for volume sequences if the volume sequences were not defined.
  • Fix Installer didn't show proper products when clicking on the home icon in the product selection page.

14.15 changes

  • Improved the default Neon style.
  • MDrumReplacer Added MIDI out feature to MDrumReplacer.
  • MMultiAnalyzer Added "Follow host name and color" feature to MMultiAnalyzer.
  • MXXX Added Integrator module to MXXX.
  • MAGC Added "Set output gain" feature to MAGC.
  • Fix MGranularMB MGranularMB was crashing in some circumstances.
  • Fix Keyboard forwarding disabled on Bitwig due to some problems in it.
  • Fix MCompressor MCompressor was doing an inaccurate reduction for levels somewhere below -180dB.
  • Fix MXXX Custom GUIs were not available on case sensitive file systems in MXXX.

14.14 changes

  • MDrumReplacer Big improvements in MDrumReplacer, officially released now.
  • MSpectralDynamics Added "Apply EQ" switch to MSpectralDynamics.
  • Improved plugin selection page in the installer.
  • Improved VST3 support.
  • MGranularMB Added "Gain" and "Gain random" to each voice in MGranularMB.
  • "Intelligent disable on silence" renamed to "Intelligent sleep on silence" to avoid confusion.
  • MXXX Added features to the "Custom GUI designer" in MXXX.
  • Improved keyboard to forwarding to DAW on Windows and added "Forward unused keyboard input to DAW" option in case you want to disable it.
  • MSuperLooper Added "Display waveforms" option to MSuperLooper, useful for additional CPU saving.
  • MTurboAmp Lots of changes to MTurboAmp alpha version.
  • Fix Any info/error message containing "_" made this character replaced by a whitespace.
  • Fix MRotary MXXX MRotary was crashing in MXXX when the Materials were turned on.
  • Fix Several plugins (such as compressors) didn't update the visual state when bypassed or in disabled mode.
  • Fix MGranularMB MGranularMB could cause initial peaks/glitches with specific settings and audio signals.

14.13 changes

  • MDrumReplacer Big improvements for MDrumReplacer
  • Windows plugins now forward unused keyboard commands to the DAW to make sure the DAW doesn't loose spacebar as play/stop for example, even if a plugin popup is displayed.
  • MXXX Added Favourites tag, which you can use to filter the favourite devices to MXXX.
  • Parametric equalizers now have band presets.
  • Several minor fixes and improvements.
  • Fix MFreeformEqualizer MFreeformEqualizer could stop processing when switched to minimum phase mode in some cases.
  • Fix MTurboDelay MTurboDelayMB didn't work properly.
  • Fix Some windows didn't save position and size.
  • Fix MTurboReverb MTurboReverb was crashing in ambisonics and surround modes.

14.12 changes

  • Most plugins now provide "Intelligent disable on silence" feature allowing them to disable themselves to save CPU whenever there is no signal and the plugin doesn't produce anything anymore. It can be disabled from settings. It works with all plugin interfaces and DAWs.
  • MGranularMB MXXX Added "Random every time" option to MGranularMB and Granular module in MXXX.
  • Added "XY-pad 4 banks" to banks mode of all multiparameters, allowing you to create XY pads, which would interpolate between 4 banks. Note that such multiparameter also occupies the next one, which is needed for the Y value.
  • Added band Solo & Mute to all parametric equalizers. Available from band settings popup.
  • MXXX Custom GUI designer now allows resizing keeping ratio when holding Alt in MXXX.
  • MSuperLooper Added "Replace" feature to MSuperLooper.
  • MSuperLooper Added per-track "Default bars" override to MSuperLooper.
  • Minor GUI, stability and performance improvements.
  • MRhythmizer Plugins with latency now compensate synchronization position from DAW accordingly. For example, MRhythmizerMB is now synchronizing properly in linear-phase mode.
  • Installer now logs installation of the MSVC redistributables and installes it only once.
  • Fix "Do not load from presets" option in MIDI controllers didn't work properly.
  • Fix Ambisonics wasn't available in ProTools.
  • Fix MXXX ReportLatency module didn't update latency when changed until audio engine was restarted in MXXX.
  • Fix MXXX MXXX6out could crash in some DAWs.
  • Fix MXXX Crossover module could cause crashes when changing crossover type in MXXX.
  • Fix MXXX Arp didn't store current matrix preset in MXXX.
  • Fix Changing an Enable title button with a multiparameter didn't enable/disable other title buttons.
  • Fix MNoiseGenerator MNoiseGenerator was generating true noise in "True noise" mode only for one channel.
  • Fix MSpectralDynamics Look-ahead in MSpectralDynamics didn't work properly.
  • Fix Multiparameter bank reordering didn't work with more than 100 banks.

14.11 changes

  • MDrumReplacer MXXX Released MDrumReplacer beta, added to MXXX as well.
  • MTuner Improved MTuner accuracy and visualisation, added "Auto switch to normal tuner" option.
  • MDrumLeveler Added Analyzer to MDrumLeveler for easy setup of the prefiltering.
  • MXXX Added MXXX6out version.
  • Minor GUI and performance improvements.
  • Fix MRecorder MRecorder was reporting an error when the target path started with "~".
  • Fix MXXX Custom GUI designer could create incorrectly resized images for lower resolutions when custom images were used in MXXX.
  • Fix Impulse response export wasn't working properly for plugins with latency.
  • Fix Having a "<" or ">" symbols in multiparameter name would make multiparameter manager impossible to display.
  • Fix Some MB versions of certain plugins could share the default settings with the non-MB versions.
  • Fix Changing presets in VST2 didn't update all the parameters in the DAW.

14.10 changes

  • MFreeformEqualizer Export IR has been removed from MFreeformEqualizer, since the global IR button in the toolbar does the same thing.
  • Improved font engine for nicer and more readable GUIs.
  • Minor GUI and performance enhancements.
  • Random preset feature makes sure the next preset is different from the previous (if possible).
  • Fix MTurboReverb MTurboReverbLE dynamics section couldn't be activated.
  • Fix MXXX Device browser wasn't selecting the loaded device in MXXX.
  • Fix Displaying a tab as popup didn't properly store it's position and size.
  • Fix Multiparameter units could sometimes go wrong with "By bank name interpolated" mode.
  • Fix Global "Set" button may have produced incorrect results.
  • Fix MXXX Using SuperLooper inside MXXX could cause a crash.
  • Fix MTurboReverb MTurboReverb ER's Analyse IR feature crashed on mono files.

14.09 changes

  • Added support for Ambisonics multichannel for all orders up to 7 (64 channels). Available in all effects, which are not stereo-specific.
  • MSuperLooper Added MSuperLooper16in16out version with 16 dedicated inputs and outputs. Works only in DAWs, which support it of course. Normal version also lets you assign the 2 inputs to each track.
  • MSuperLooper MSuperLooper16out now has a selector for output for each track.
  • MSpectralDynamics Added global gain reduction to MSpectralDynamics, which displays the maximum from all frequencies.
  • MXXX MXXX's device browser now displays number of presets available in each folder.
  • MSuperLooper Added "Dry FX even if not selected" option to all tracks in MSuperLooper.
  • MSuperLooper MSuperLooper Restart is now available even in Sync mode, where it restarts all loops at the end of the bar.
  • MConvolutionEZ Added Predelay feature to MConvolutionEZ.
  • Input meters in multiband plugins now follow the global Input gain.
  • Added Toggle and Trigger options to MIDI controllers.
  • MIDI controllers now follow high precision 14-bit MIDI specification.
  • Various optimizations and GUI improvements.
  • Fix Some graphics aliasing was occuring on some computers.
  • Fix MConvolutionMB MConvolutionMB could crash when quickly switching between devices.
  • Fix MXXX Stereo plugins & instruments instantiated inside MXXX in surround mode could cause a crash.
  • Fix MSpectralDynamics MSpectralDynamicsLE wasn't activated by MMixingBundle licence.

14.08 changes

MSoundFactory: Note: MSoundFactoryEssentials has been updated, so please use the new downloader to get it and install it.

  • MCabinet Added "IR" button to toolbar (exports impulse response of current plugin settings) for MCabinet(MB), all equalizers and all reverbs.
  • MAutoDynamicEq MAutoEqualizer Improved "Analyse source / Load" feature of MAutoDynamicEq and MAutoEqualizer - double clicking on a file no longer closes the window, but loads it and performs automatic equalization, useful when browsing several source analyses.
  • Added back all upsampling ratios to 8x (then powers of 2 up to 1024x).
  • MSuperLooper Added "Play fade" parameter to MSuperLooper, which controls the length of the fade-in/out when a track gets muted/unmuted.
  • MSuperLooper Increased MSuperLooper's Cross-fade range and added "Reverse cross-fade"
  • MSuperLooper Added "Immediate clear" option to MSuperLooper.
  • MSuperLooper Added "Volume" to all tracks in MSuperLooper, to complement the track Gain.
  • MSuperLooper Added "Cancel record" main button to MSuperLooper.
  • MSuperLooper Added "Custom play" option and main button to MSuperLooper, which can avoid using DAW's playback switch.
  • MSuperLooper Various fixes and workflow improvements for MSuperLooper.
  • MSpectralDynamics Improved MSpectralDynamics processing algorithm for more accurate and faster response.
  • MXXX Added MIDI triggering options to MXXX modules - Off velocity modes (including by length), probability.
  • MDrummer MXXX MDrummer factory folder in MXXX now defaults to C:/MDrummer (Windows) or ~/Documents/MDrummer (macOS) to make sure there is "something" and is writable.
  • Graph presets now convert ranges, so it doesn't matter from which plugin/subsystem it is stored to or loaded from.
  • MCCGenerator MCCGenerator now displays percents and the actual 7-bit MIDI value for each parameter.
  • MCCGenerator MCCGenerator now produces full 14-bit controller messages for controllers 1-32.
  • MFreeformEqualizer Added autoequalizer settings to MFreeformEqualizer.
  • MAutoDynamicEq MAutoEqualizer Added "Use peak filters for resonance removal" option to MAutoDynamicEq and MAutoEqualizer.
  • MCompare Added 32 multiparameters to MCompare.
  • Minor GUI and performance improvements.
  • MXXX Information about device author has been moved to device help in MXXX.
  • MXXX Added "Custom GUI designer" to MXXX, which lets you easily edit custom graphical interfaces for devices.
  • MCompare It is now possible to drag & drop multiple audio files into MCompare and it will load each in a consecutive File slots.
  • MDrummer MFreeformEqualizer Added MFreeformEqualizer FX, please note that it should be used in Minimum phase mode.
  • Fix Panorama MIDI controller lead to slightly inaccurate values.
  • Fix MLoudnessAnalyzer MLoudnessAnalyzer batch processing might not work in some DAWs.
  • Fix Some algorithms could hypotetically crash when processing data bigger than 2GB.
  • Fix MSpectralDynamics MSpectralDynamics measured only first 2 channels even in surround mode.
  • Fix Arpeggiator could sometimes play multiple notes if the DAW sends notes in incorrect times. ARP now shifts everything in a time back a few samples to avoid that.
  • Fix Hacked a bug in new Bitwig closing some windows before they even get displayed.
  • Fix Plugins crashed using some styles on some rare computers.
  • Fix MXXX Changing MXXX's module device could execute top level randomizer multiparameters.
  • Fix MHarmonizerMB MHarmonizerMB granular modes were causing small clicks when playing the notes (typically via MIDI).
  • Fix MHarmonizerMB It may have not been possible to display MHarmonizerMB's ADSR/Tremolo window.
  • Fix MSuperLooper MSuperLooper was erasing current track when "Default bars" were used and "Next track" was clicked during recording.
  • Fix Vertical sliders had invisible units in some styles.
  • Fix MTurboDelay Switching between MTurboDelay devices could trigger the randomizer (if the device had one).
  • Fix MSuperLooper MSuperLooper could get out of sync after stopping recording when "Immediate record" was on and "All loops same length" was off.
  • Fix "Help / Show in web browser" feature was crashing on OSX.
  • Fix MEssentialsFXBundle MSpectralDynamics MEssentialsFXBundle didn't activate MSpectralDynamicsLE.
  • Fix MLoudnessAnalyzer Auto-gain button in MLoudnessAnalyzer didn't work properly.
  • Fix MTurboDelay Early reflections device in MTurboDelay could produce demo noise even when activated.
  • Fix Randomizer could cause problems with plugins featuring modulators.

14.07 changes

  • Fix MTurboComp Lock wasn't available for MTurboComp's "Link channels" device parameter.
  • Fix MSuperLooper MSuperLooper didn't allow full reset of the main track when sync is one.
  • Fix MSuperLooper MSuperLooper sometimes displayed additional empty bar in the waveforms.

14.06 changes

  • MSuperLooper Added "Feedback" and "Feedback FX" features to MSuperLooper, plus an option "Feedback when overdub".
  • MSuperLooper Added infinite overdub Undo & Redo to MSuperLooper.
  • MSuperLooper MSuperLooper now allows different multiplies a single bar not related to the main loops when "All loops same length" option is disabled.
  • MSuperLooper MSuperLooper now displays a scrollbar for tracks when the number of tracks is 9 or higher.
  • MSuperLooper Added "Auto overdub" and "Immediate play/mute" options to MSuperLooper.
  • MFreeformPhase Added Depth to MFreeformPhase.
  • MLoudnessAnalyzer Added "Short-term max" meter to MLoudnessAnalyzer, the option is there in other plugins as well.
  • Preset buttons now have limited size, so that they don't obstruct the entire title for large windows.
  • MNoiseGenerator Added "True noise" option to MNoiseGenerator.
  • Multiparameter's in "By bank name interpolated" units mode now recognizes units after the number even without a delimiting space.
  • Added "Current values > Defaults" and "Defaults > Current values" features to multiparameter manager.
  • MXXX MSuperLooper SuperLooper has been added to MXXX and MSuperLooper itself.
  • MXXX Added "Delay subtract" and "Samples subtract" feature to DelayTap module in MXXX.
  • MXXX MXXX module categories slightly restructuralized.
  • MSuperLooper Added "Select loop 1/2/3/4" hidden parameters to MSuperLooper, useful to select specific loops in each track.
  • Fix MSuperLooper MSuperLooper could change volume of a track being overdubbed when stopped.
  • Fix MSuperLooper MSuperLooper didn't work properly in sync mode using AU interface.
  • Fix Enabling bypass with upsampling enabled could lead to an incorrect latency compensation.
  • Fix Resizing a file selector in a folder with no files could lead to the directory tree to be inaccessible.
  • Fix MXXX Swapper2out in MXXX produces only a single output. Now it produces both and switches the order.
  • Fix MSuperLooper MSuperLooper displayed all 16 tracks when the editor was closed and reopen in ProTools.
  • Fix Some scrolled views were not responding to mousewheel unless the mouse cursor was directly on the scrollbar.
  • Fix Plugins could crash when showing popups on macOS when GPU acceleration was disabled.
  • Fix Slightly changed MIDI CC mapping so that the middle value becomes 50%.

14.05 changes

  • MSuperLooper Released MSuperLooper.
  • MSaturator Added compander section to MSaturator and MSaturatorMB for more stable "analogue" saturation.
  • MStereoGenerator Added Dry parameter to MStereoGenerator.
  • MDynamics MTurboComp "Maximize signal strength to 0dB" switch has been exchanged for percentual "Maximize" control in MDynamics, MDynamicsMB and MTurboComp.
  • Upsampling can now only be a power of 2 and the range has been extended to 1024x in most plugins.
  • MRecorder MRecorder now also stores Record and Pause states, for some obscure cases.
  • MMetronome Added Speed parameter to MMetronome.
  • MXXX Added 3rd party flag to MXXX devices.
  • Added "Functional outside note range" switch to MIDI note controllers.
  • Small improvements to the installer.
  • MCabinet Added "Export mono IR" feature to MCabinet.
  • MDrummer MXXX Added Modular plugin to bring the powerful MXXX's modular engine into individual MDrummer channels.
  • Fix MDrummer MXXX Changing drum source didn't store an undo point in MDrummer in MXXX.
  • Fix Plugins could potentially freeze on startup in some DAWs searching for updates.
  • Fix MDrummer MXXX Locking a component in MDrummer in MXXX didn't avoid changing it using next/previous/random component features.
  • Fix Titles of collapsed panels could end up overlayed with title buttons.
  • Fix MDoubleTracker Installer wasn't selecting MDoubleTracker when clicking on MMixingBundle.
  • Fix MFreeformEqualizer Invert button in MFreeformEqualizer might have not update the audio processing in some rare situations.
  • Fix MBassador Attaching MBassador's Range to a multiparameter in "Range to 20kHz" mode was displaying incorrect units.
  • Fix Changing preset colors via randomization could cause crashes.
  • Fix MFreqShifter Prefiltering in MFreqShifter and MFreqShifterMB could cause clicks when modulated around 0Hz.

14.04 changes

MSoundFactory: Backwards compatibility breach: Timbre and Pitchbend transformations have been redesigned. These now go from 0% to 100% and if the controller is bipolar (default), the same curve is applied to both positive side and negative side (inverted). We are sorry for the inconvenience if you used these features.

  • MCharmVerb MTurboReverb MXXX Added MCharmVerb free plugin (reverb based on the MTurboReverb's "R" algorithm), including a module to MXXX.
  • MXXX Adding attribute Cache="0" to GUI section of the custom device GUI in MXXX would disable the internal caching, which is handy for development.
  • Added preset & copy/paste features to arpeggiator preset matrix useful to copy banks for example.
  • MFreeformEqualizer MCabinet Exporting IR from MFreeformEqualizer and MCabinet now includes the gain adjustment and the output is always 24-bit for better compatibility with hardware the IRs may be used in.
  • MConvolutionEZ Added "Normalize loudness" switch to MConvolutionEZ.
  • MXXX Added Swapper2out module to MXXX.
  • Added "Fine control" switch to multiparameters.
  • XY pad editor mode for multiparameters now provides 4 different size and follows parameter origins automatically.
  • MXXX Metronome added to MXXX.
  • Stereo scopes now provide a normalization switch.
  • MXXX Added device "Custom GUI" flag to MXXX.
  • MXXX Random device button also loads a random device preset now in MXXX.
  • File lists now provide multiple columns if the size allows it.
  • Minor GUI and performance improvements.
  • MDrummer MTurboReverb Added CharmVerb (reverb based on the MTurboReverb's "R" algorithm) FX.
  • MPowerSynth MTurboReverb Added CharmVerb (reverb based on the MTurboReverb's "R" algorithm) FX.
  • MSoundFactory MTurboReverb Added CharmVerb (reverb based on the MTurboReverb's "R" algorithm) module, both as FX and per-voice FX.
  • Fix MXXX Custom device GUI for MXXX could crash if an image for a slider hasn't been found.
  • Fix Multiparameters in cyclic banks mode could not display the name of the first bank at the end.
  • Fix MXXX Channel mode buttons weren't available for modules in MXXX.
  • Fix Uninstaller could delete itself even if it has been cancelled.
  • Fix MXXX MXXX custom device GUIs could get clipped or resized.
  • Fix MXXX MXXX devices may have not been selected properly in the categorizer when switching between A-H presets in different folders.

14.03 changes

Backwards compatibility breach: So far MSpectralDynamics used a constant buffer size no matter what sampling rate you used. To maximize audio quality and compatibility, the plugin now adjusts the buffer size depending on the audio settings. This means that for sampling rates over 48kHz the sound may have changed slightly. We are sorry for the inconvenience.

  • Added "Octave down" and "Octave up" buttons to all frequency text edit popups.
  • MXXX Added up to 64 banks to arpeggiator in MXXX, which let you switch between sequences on the fly.
  • MCCGenerator Added Aftertouch and Pitchbend to the list of CC targets in MCCGenerator.
  • Learn can no be accessed both from menu and multiparameter/lfo/paramlock editors.
  • Various optimizations and stability improvements.
  • MSpectralDynamics MSpectralDynamics quality range increased to both ends and the plugin now adjusts the buffer size according to current sampling rate.
  • MXXX "Paste" buttons in insert module menu in MXXX now displays the type of the module to insert.
  • Fix MMetronome MMetronome could miss the first beat (initial or after a loop).
  • Fix Frequency text edit displayed a piano, but didn't scroll to current frequency note.
  • Fix Setting group color could also affect MPs without name, even if these didn't belong to the group.
  • Fix MRecorder MRecorder file drag & drop didn't work if "Append number to the filename" was enabled.
  • Fix Scrollbar locators could become extremely small when zoomed in too much.
  • Fix Changing a device of various VST3 plugins might have cause problems when automating MPs for which the number of possible values has changed (e.g. on/off -> dB).
  • Fix Multiparameters in discrete editor modes (e.g. Selector) and Bank mode could display incorrect bank value as current value.
  • Fix Stepped / Continuous switch didn't update the number of automation values.

14.02 changes

  • MMetronome Added "Tone first" and "Which is first" parameter to MMetronome, which lets you highlight different beats by higher pitch.
  • MCCGenerator Improved filtering out duplicates in MCCGenerator.
  • MVocoder MVocoder matrix now displays all bands (before it was limited to 50).
  • MLoudnessAnalyzer MLoudnessAnalyzer batch processing now lets you choose the output folder.
  • MXXX Added "Reset on ARP" switch to modulators to MXXX.
  • DynamicEq Low-pass type and High-pass type can now be modulated.
  • Fix MCCGenerator MCCGenerator didn't properly save its state.
  • Fix MXXX Locks didn't work with device presets in MXXX.
  • Fix When moving graph points across each other, additional automated subsystems such as oscillator custom shape may not have been actually moved.
  • Fix Lock for a device Enable title button was not available when the enable button was disabled.
  • Fix Expression evaluator didn't update the graph in some cases.
  • Fix Prevented setup crashing after the installation on some macOS computers.

14.01 changes

  • Added "Latency reporting" sdwitch global settings, which lets youdisbale
  • MXXX Order module now has Paste in the new plugin selector similarly to other modular containers in MXXX.
  • Added "Locate" button to all file dialogs, which shows the selected path in system Explorer/Finder.
  • MXXX Added "Max length" and "Length" parameters to Looper module in MXXX.
  • MCompare Added "Left" and "Right" audition buttons to MCompare.
  • Improved multi-monitor support for macOS.
  • Fix Looper module could crash in some cases.
  • Fix Plugins could be invisible or cause red blinking on macOS.

14.00 changes

Backwards compatibility change: Switch time for multiparameters now defaults to 0ms, before it was 1000ms, so if you used exactly 1000ms, it will now default to 0ms.

  • MMetronome MCCGenerator Released free plugins MMetronome and MCCGenerator.
  • MCabinet Added MCabinetMB plugin, included in MCabinet licence.
  • MXXX Added DelayMod module (interpolated delay driven by its sidechain) to MXXX.
  • Minor GUI and performance improvements.
  • Attach MIDI controller scrolled too low making it confusing.
  • MXXX Changing module bank count in MXXX was destroying the settings of the removed banks making it way too easy to loose settings.
  • MLoudnessAnalyzer Individual meters in MLoudnessAnalyzer can now be collapsed.
  • MXXX Designer menu / Generate serials in MXXX now produces Windows CRLF convention for better compatibility.
  • MXXX Added "MPs to update" feature to module banks in MXXX.
  • Added "Analyse audio" feature to all graph editors.
  • MXXX Added possibility to create custom GUIs for devices to MXXX.
  • Improved compatibility with macOS Catalina. Only 64-bit plugins are supported from V14 on macOS. GPU acceleration settings are not available on macOS anymore, compatibility mode is always selected.
  • Envelope editors in custom mode now display both Attack & Release and potentially Preview at once for better workflow.
  • MDelay Added "Set delay by sync" hidden parameter to MDelayMB.
  • MLoudnessAnalyzer Improved MLoudnessAnalyzer batch processing by providing a log to save and asking before saving.
  • Added "Trigger" feature to envelopes of all global modulators.
  • MXXX Added "Note-on triggering" feature to MXXX module settings allowing to generate virtual notes on other MIDI events than just note-ons.
  • Improved pitch detection for high pitched sounds.
  • Added "Functional when disabled" switch to multiparameters.
  • MXXX Added operations to MXXX's Math module: Modulo with constant, Modulo, Derivative, Derivative 2nd order
  • MXXX Added "Circular mode" to Ratio module in MXXX.
  • Improved stability for filters too close to Nyquist, especially in ModalFilter.
  • MXXX Added Recorder module to MXXX.
  • MXXX Added Channel to ARP in MXXX.
  • Added "Double 2" curve to all graphs, which has much higher curvature.
  • MXXX Added Looper FX module to MXXX.
  • Added CSV export to all graphs.
  • Fix Multiparameters in Switch mode with nonzero switch time could stop working in some cases.
  • Fix Multiparameters mentioned in map/MIDI were displaying Group even if none was set and channel All (which is redundant).
  • Fix MXXX It was possible to increase the number of module banks in MXXX beyond the maximum by pressing Insert button.
  • Fix Pasting modulator settings in different mode could lead to a crash.
  • Fix Stepped multiparameters could default to slightly incorrect values in some cases.
  • Fix Sending program change MIDI messages could cause problems in some circumstances.
  • Fix MBassador "Range to 20kHz" option in MBassador didn't work properly.
  • Fix MFreeformEqualizer MFreeformEqualizer didn't produce correct automatic equalization curves if it was exceeding the range.

13.06 changes

Backwards compatibility change: MIDI note controllers and MCharacter were mapping notes to frequencies one octave above the MIDI standard. As a part of the standardization we fixed this. To fix your projects, please move all notes down one octave if using this feature. Sorry for the inconvenience.

MPowerSynth: Backwards compatibility change: MIDI note controllers were mapping notes to frequencies one octave above the MIDI standard. As a part of the standardization we fixed this. To solve this, please move all notes down one octave if using this feature. Sorry for the inconvenience.

MSoundFactory: Backwards compatibility change: MIDI note controllers were mapping notes to frequencies one octave above the MIDI standard. As a part of the standardization we fixed this. To solve this, please move all notes down one octave if using this feature. Sorry for the inconvenience.

  • MTurboDelay Added MTurboDelayMB as part of MTurboDelay product.
  • MXXX Added SampleAndHold module to MXXX.
  • Added 16 "Main controllers" to MIDI settings, which users can map to any MIDI controller to simplify access and switching between MIDI controllers.
  • MSoundFactory MXXX Added Banks to all modules in modular environments such as MSoundFactory or MXXX. This lets you store multiple settings for that module and switch between them using a multiparameter for example.
  • MMultiAnalyzer Added Random colors to MMultiAnalyzer.
  • Added MIDI controller reordering and reset features to MIDI settings.
  • MXXX MXXX devices can now show a banner on top / left assuming it is named identically to device file with extension PNG/JPG.
  • MIDI octave numbers have been standardized across the plugins for the MIDI standard defining A4 = 440Hz.
  • Added Panel no title, Control no title, Display no title and Edit no title multiparameter panel types.
  • Minor GUI improvements.
  • VST2 plugins now exclude preset path when sending preset name to the host to mitigate VST2 limitations.
  • Default editor size setting has been removed, please use default settings instead.
  • MMultiAnalyzer Added Normalize switch to MMultiAnalyzer's Oscilloscope tab.
  • MTurboReverb Improved MTurboReverb devices - mitigating glitches when changing models.
  • Frequency axes in equalizers and various graphs changed to more standard logarithmic scale. It can be reverted to the previous view at any time if customer base would like to.
  • Analyzers can now export current analysis to CSV by Ctrl + clicking the Copy button.
  • Plugins no longer show error message that a folder is inaccessible when opening a file dialog and previous folder no longer exists.
  • MNoiseGenerator Added a fully featured parametric equalizer to MNoiseGenerator.
  • Multiparameters in the parameter list also display group now both in the DAW for automation and internally.
  • Fix Delimiter multiparameters with name displayed the name even if the Show name was disabled.
  • Fix MXXX MXXX Order module editor sometimes behaved oddly and in some cases analyzers inside it didn't refresh themselves.
  • Fix MultiParameter Clear & Learn didn't store undo point.
  • Fix Double clicking a button and leaving with mouse before releasing the button could leave the button in pressed state.
  • Fix AU cache (mainly Logic) should be now updated after installation to avoid need to restart on macOS High sierra and newer.
  • Fix MWobbler MWobbler MIDI follow was inaccessible.
  • Fix Win/Cmd + right click (or ctrl click on macOS) was defaulting parameters, which was a collision with ProTools automation management.
  • Fix MXXX LimiterMB in MXXX didn't correctly provide band saturation parameter.
  • Fix MIDI (note) controller related parameters were not sorted properly in the parameter tree.
  • Fix Switching logarithmic averaging option in analysis could cause incorrect results for infinite maximum analysis.
  • Fix Expired subscription didn't explicitly warn the user about that.

13.05 changes

Backwards compatibility change for MXXX: Number of multiparameters per row is no longer limited to 4 in MXXX. Therefore if you exploited this in your devices, they may stop displaying properly (and have too many items on single row). Please fix these devices by properly disabling "Same row" option. Sorry for the inconvenience.

MSoundFactory: Backwards compatibility change: Please note that the default nonlinear smoothing now produces different smoothing behaviour and hence the template all instruments should be adjusted to have 10ms as default smoothing time for timbre and pressure. Factory content has already been modified. It is recommended to update your devices as well. Sorry for the inconvenience.

  • MDrumLeveler Extended features of the MDrumLeveler's MIDI output. Note that the behaviour is now different, so you may expect a backwards compatibility issue when using the MIDI output.
  • Performance improvements for modular stuff.
  • Minor GUI improvements.
  • Improved modulator editors for banks mode.
  • Added support for VST2 getProgramName used for example by Akai VIP to browse through plugin's presets.
  • Selector and other multiparameter editor modes also support secondary bank names on the easy sceen now.
  • Added Insert and Delete features to multiparameter manager.
  • MPs in Delimiter editor mode can display a name now.
  • Fix Easy screens containing Button (label aligned) MPs could not set minimum size correctly if multiple have been used on the same row.
  • Fix MFreeformEqualizer MFreeformEqualizer could send latency information upon loading if the minimum phase was enabled as if it was dis.
  • Fix MLimiterMB Default device for MLimiterMB had band panorama 4 set to +3% right.
  • Fix Plugins could crash with AU interface when being destroyed.
  • Fix MDoubleTracker MDoubleTrackerMB was available for mono tracks making it crash.
  • Fix File dialogs could crash when deleting folders.
  • Fix Double click to open multiparameter editor in MP manager didn't work with the first item.
  • Fix MXXX Loading an Order module preset in MXXX didn't update the editor and could lead to a crash.
  • Fix MLimiterMB MLimiterMB edit screen GUI wasn't correctly aligned.
  • Fix MXXX MultiBand modules in MXXX might have the band editor inaccessible.
  • Fix MTuner MTuner didn't remember collapse states.

13.04 changes

  • MTuner MTuner now features a powerful polyphonic tuner.
  • MXXX New names of modular renamed items are now visible inside the modular editor in MXXX.
  • MXXX Added RatioMulti module to MXXX, an extension to Ratio with variable number of inputs.
  • MXXX Added AutoLevel module to MXXX, which automatically lowers the input level from maximum to match requested level.
  • MXXX Added metering parameters to Order submodules in MXXX.
  • MXXX Improved Order module GUI in MXXX.
  • Added "By bank names with percents" multiparameter value mode.
  • MCabinet MCabinet Export IR now includes widening.
  • Improved knob visual quality.
  • MXXX FreeformEqualizer analysis and automatic equalizer can now be attached to a multiparameter in MXXX.
  • MAutoDynamicEq MFreeformEqualizer MAutoEqualizer MAutoDynamicEq, MFreeformEqualizer and MAutoEqualizer now allow analysing side-chain as source.
  • MXXX ModularEx now provides 32 multiparameters in MXXX.
  • Added confirmation for Reset all multiparameters action.
  • Reordering multiparameters now properly reassociates MIDI controllers.
  • Removed optimization from flangers, which caused a click when changing Depth from 0% to something else.
  • MFreeformEqualizer Improved MFreeformEqualizer automatic EQ curve, which now minimizes level difference.
  • Order MP editor can have colors specified.
  • Analyzers now provide also Input & Side-chain and Output & Side-chain options (if applicable).
  • MDrumLeveler MDrumLeveler MIDI output latency compensation is now optional, since some DAWs do compensate the latency themselves.
  • Parameter selection (for mods, mps etc.) improved, so that the root items always have the global subsystems such as modulators and MIDI at the end.
  • MXXX Number of MXXX feedback channels increased to 16.
  • MMultiAnalyzer MMultiAnalyzer now adjusts the brighness of imported colors from DAW to 128 to make sure it displays nicely.
  • MTuner Added Detected note and Detected cents automation parameters to MTuner, which can be used to use the detected tuning somehow. It is enabled only if MIDI out is enabled as well for sake of optimization.
  • Fix MTurboReverb MTurboReverb could stop producing sound in some extreme cases involving modulation.
  • Fix MTurboReverb MTurboReverb ER modulation in Direct mode produced zipper noise.
  • Fix MXXX ChannelVolume module produced artifacts when changing the Volume under certain circumstances in MXXX.
  • Fix MXXX FollowerFilter module didn't update GUI when sidechain was enabled in MXXX.
  • Fix Batch processing via WAV button in the plugin toolbar didn't allow selecting multiple files.
  • Fix MCabinet MCabinet storage could malfunction and create dips in the profile.
  • Fix Insert empty multiparameter might have failed if the last multiparameter was used.
  • Fix MXXX ChannelMatrix was resizing the GUI even if there was no reason to in MXXX.
  • Fix MFreeformEqualizer MFreeformEqualizer didn't work correctly in some hosts if the sampling rate has been changed multiple times by the DAW.
  • Fix MXXX Exporting a device in MXXX didn't keep the new name for next export, which could lead to an accidental overwrite.
  • Fix Maps didn't update properly after changes or switching presets.
  • Fix Opening a plugin by pressing Enter in Reaper could display Upsampling settings in some plugins.
  • Fix MXXX ConvolutionBank in MXXX didn't like IRs with levels exceeding 0dBFS.
  • Fix AU plugins could crash in some rare circumstances.
  • Fix Order editor on the easy screen was creating an unnecessary space above.
  • Fix Knobs were rendering slightly incorrectly.

13.03 changes

  • MMultiAnalyzer MMultiAnalyzer now stores zooming states for all graphs.
  • MDrumLeveler Added MIDI output to MDrumLeveler.
  • MStereoProcessor Added band bypass to MStereoProcessor.
  • Added MultiParameter editor type Delimiter.
  • Improved the default Neon style.
  • Minor GUI improvements.
  • Added Close all button to all preset windows.
  • Oscillator Custom sample depth can now be modulated in all plugins with this feature.
  • MXXX MXXX modules can now be renamed.
  • MSpectralDynamics MSpectralDynamics graphs are now resizable.
  • MXXX MXXX Save device button renamed to Export device and added additional precautions from saving a device instead of the preferred global presets.
  • MXXX Added Hold mode to arpeggiator in MXXX.
  • MFreeformEqualizer Added Save IR feature to MFreeformEqualizer.
  • MXXX Added Level min and Level max parameters to Follower module in MXXX.
  • MTurboReverb MTurboReverb ER module Randomize now provides Ctrl control for slight ER change instead of full randomization.
  • Pasting multiparameters / modulators with nonexisting parameters will now show a log with the list of changes.
  • Fix MXXX MDrummer MXXX MDrummer MultiSampler microphone enable buttons disabled themselves along the subcontrols making the mike impossible to enable.
  • Fix MXXX MXXX modular editors were displaying help from the previous module if the selected module doesn't have any.
  • Fix MultiParameter editors could partly crop titles in the name if the name was too long.
  • Fix It is now forbidden to create folders inside Online exchange preset folder as it would collide with the engine and potentially cause crashes.
  • Fix Drag & drop file from Finder to file selectors in the plugins may have not worked on macOS.
  • Fix A corrupt licence could make other licences dysfunctional.
  • Fix Improved drag & drop support on Windows.
  • Fix MRecorder Editing MRecorder filename/path too quickly might have ignored some of the characters / keys.

13.02 changes

  • Minor GUI improvements.
  • Added "Button (label aligned)" and "Slider (label aligned)" MP editor modes, which have labels aligned to each other.
  • MStereoProcessor MStereoProcessor band limits and gains can now be modulated/automated.
  • MXXX MCabinet Various improvements for TurboFilter beta and Cabinet beta in MXXX. Note that MCabinet algorithm has been changed, so it will sound different.
  • MPowerSynth MCabinet Various improvements for TurboFilter beta and Cabinet beta. Note that MCabinet algorithm has been changed, so it will sound different.
  • MSoundFactory MCabinet Various improvements for TurboFilter beta and Cabinet beta. Note that MCabinet algorithm has been changed, so it will sound different.
  • Fix Minor GUI bugs.
  • Fix Global modulators in envelope mode triggered by MIDI could malfunction when complex MIDI performances would be played.
  • Fix MXXX Latency compensation in MXXX may have been malfunctioning.

13.01 changes

  • Added Key mode to Note controllers in MIDI settings.
  • MXXX Added TurboFilter and Cabinet modules to MXXX. Both are currently beta.
  • Titanium style modified to be more similar to the V12 version.
  • All multiband plugins are now horizontally resizable for sake of resizing the crossover editor.
  • Minor GUI improvements.
  • Easy screen bar graphs now support origins.
  • Added "Clear window settings cache" button to Settings, useful as an extreme case fix.
  • Added Save template and Process template features to multiparameter manager.
  • MDrumEnhancer Added EQ Dry/wet control to MDrumEnhancer.
  • MXXX Improved Modular16 & Modular32 GUI in MXXX.
  • MXXX MXXX devices can now have device presets.
  • Fix MMultiAnalyzer MMultiAnalyzer sonogram was invisible without setting a color.
  • Fix MXXX MXXX could crash with Modular32 module.
  • Fix MXXX Multiband module meters attached to a MP and displayed on the easy screen wouldn't work until the MB module GUI was displayed in MXXX.
  • Fix MXXX MTurboDelay MXXX could freeze when using MTurboDelay in the FX section and loading certain devices.
  • Fix MDrummer MTurboDelay MDrummer could freeze when using MTurboDelay in the FX section and loading certain devices.
  • Fix MPowerSynth MTurboDelay MPowerSynth could freeze when using MTurboDelay in the FX section and loading certain devices.
  • Fix MSoundFactory MTurboDelay MSoundFactory could freeze when using MTurboDelay in the FX section and loading certain devices.

13.00 changes

See also release notes for V13

Please note that following list of changes is very limited and many more changes are not mentioned. Sorry for the inconvenience.
  • MMultiAnalyzer MMultiAnalyzer now initializes name and color of the graphs based on information from the DAW if it supports it (VST3, AU, AAX).
  • MDoubleTracker Added MDoubleTrackerMB for free to MDoubleTracker package.
  • MAutoDynamicEq MDynamicEq Added Analog feature to MAutoDynamicEq, MDynamicEq and MTurboEq.
  • MRecorder MRecorder now has presets.
  • MXXX Added Modular16 and Modular32 FX to MXXX, a modular with 16 & 32 lanes.
  • Arp can now be unsynced, driven by its own tempo.
  • Added Transform level parameter controlling the depth of level transformation.
  • Map of modulators/MPs/etc has been improved.
  • Added Origin to all multiparameters.
  • Added Make first and reordering feature to multiparameters.
  • Selected parameter in banks mode in MP editors is now highlighted.
  • Added Min range feature to flangers.
  • Added Checkbox multiparameter editor mode.
  • MXXX MPowerSynth Added ConvolutionBank module to MXXX and MPowerSynth.
  • MPs with Selector/Switcher modes can now work with other value modes than Banks, number of steps is needed to be set in that case.
  • MFreeformEqualizer Improved MFreeformEqualizer analyzer latency compensation.
  • MTurboReverb MTurboReverb now displays locks for the main 3 parameters all the time.
  • MStereoProcessor Added band panorama to MStereoProcessor.
  • Fix MLimiterMB MUltraMaximizer MLimiterMB and MUltraMaximizer ceiling was exceeded if upsampling was used.
  • Fix MDoubleTracker MDoubleTracker could produce glitchy output if all algorithm parameters were set to maximum.
  • Fix ABCD morphing didn't work with parameters not available to the DAW.
  • Fix MXXX MXXX could freeze if modulating a parameter of an envelope of a subplugin and loading its preset.
  • Fix Changing sampling rate/oversampling changed the speed of meters.
  • Fix MXXX Triggering randomization of SubSampleSynth in MXXX via a MP trigger with 0 switch time didn't do anything.
  • Fix Equalizers didn't close the band settings when preset was loaded.
  • Fix MLimiterMB MUltraMaximizer MLimiterMB and MUltraMaximizer could have malfunctioned when rendering in some hosts.
  • Fix Multiparameter manager didn't store undo.
  • Fix Improved VST3 batch support.

12.12 changes

MSoundFactory: Backwards compatibility breaches:

Highly increased resonance range of ModalFilter and added gain compensation.

  • Added DoubleTracker.
  • MTurboComp Channel link parameter has been added to all devices in MTurboComp.
  • MTurboComp Added Meldei Multi device to MTurboComp, which is based on 1176, but listens to different parts of the spectrum separately, so you can control how much bass/low mids/high mids/treble it listens to and how.
  • MXXX Categorizer in MXXX can now be collapsed to save space.
  • Multiparameter and Modulator editors are now storing the position & size in a single settings, before these were stored for separate MPs and Mods, which has proven not ideal.
  • Modulator editors now take size based on selected mode, making it smaller and readjusting when the mode changes.
  • Controller selection in MIDI settings is now accessible via multiparameters.
  • Additional optimizations for algorithms based on variable delay lines such as flanger, chorus, comb...
  • Double-clicking a multiparameter in manager now displays its settings and changing the settings updates the info in the manager.
  • Improved MIDI settings.
  • Fix Modulators with enabled MIDI reset and Single shot would initially go one round without any MIDI notes.
  • Fix MXXX Crossover module in MXXX may have not updated properly when changing linear-phase slopes.
  • Fix MXXX Changing A/B didn't show selected module's editor in MXXX.
  • Fix Selecting multiple graph points and dragging a different one didn't clear the selection and it didn't update the points being moved.
  • Fix MultiParameter manager was displaying incorrect names after reordering.
  • Fix Plugins didn't save disabled MIDI controllers, despite they could be enabled via MPs later.

12.11 changes

  • MRatio Added MRatioMB plugin, our first free multiband plugin.
  • High-quality upsampling switch has been moved directly to the upsampling settings window.
  • MTurboDelay Added many "bread &butter" presets to MTurboDelay.
  • MTurboDelay Added Liquid time device to MTurboDelay, featuring reverse delays and other creative effects.
  • MCharacter Added Copy &Paste levels feature to MCharacter allowing to impose a harmonic structure of one instrument to another.
  • MBassador Added High band volume and Range to 20kHz to MBassador, which let you do some creative processing, such as play bass using a guitar or saxophone.
  • Multiparameter reorder transformed to a manager with some advanced capabilities.
  • Improved behaviour of multiselection listboxes.
  • MRhythmizer MRhythmizer &MRhythmizerMB sequence values were numbered from 0, from now its from 1.
  • Fix MTurboDelay There were a few glitches in MTurboDelay.
  • Fix MTurboDelay MXXX MTurboDelay was behaving weird inside MXXX and other plugins.
  • Fix MSpectralDynamics Importing settings of corrupt/old version of MSpectralDynamics (that's unknown) could end up with missing EQ curve, which would then cause big apparent gain loss.
  • Fix Crash could occur in Convolution if pitch shifting / time stretching was used.
  • Fix Device parameter didn't report current device name to the DAW in plugins with easy screens.
  • Fix MMorph MMorph produced some ultra-low-frequency low-level rumble when formant shift was used and no signal was present in secondary input.
  • Fix Bars on the easy screen would not update if the last one only would be modulated.
  • Fix MDrummer MXXX TurboDelay was behaving weird inside MXXX and other plugins.
  • Fix MPowerSynth MXXX TurboDelay was behaving weird inside MXXX and other plugins.

12.10 changes

MDrummer: Note: There is a small backwards compatibility breach - until now MDrummer was synchronizing multibar beats fully according to position in the DAW.

That however doesn't make much sense for multibar beats, which should always start on bar 1 after breaks.

So from now on the beats are synchronized within current bar only making everything work well with multibar beats.

  • File lists are now sorted smartly and keep the order of ascending numbers.
  • All expression evaluators optimized.
  • Improved unit display for XY pads.
  • MLoudnessAnalyzer Spotify preset in MLoudnessAnalyzer now follows the recently changed -14LUFS target.
  • Fix MUtility Expression evaluator in MUtility didn't process samplerate "sr" unless written with capital letters.
  • Fix MTurboDelay Some devices in MTurboDelay were malfunctioning.
  • Fix MTurboDelay MXXX Copying MTurboDelay to MXXX would freeze.
  • Fix MLoudnessAnalyzer Batch analyzing using MLoudnessAnalyzer would clear the meters after processing.
  • Fix MConvolutionMB Recording an IR using MConvolutionMB would store the file, but wouldn't show it in the file list.
  • Fix MTurboDelay MXXX MTurboDelay could produce noise in MXXXCore even if licenced.

12.09 changes

  • Clicking on a band in equalizers while having EQ band settings displayed now switches the band settings to that band.
  • Disabled mutliparameters now stop working completely, not only GUI-wise.
  • MMultiAnalyzer Added L+R option to MMultiAnalyzer, which makes it sum the left and right channels for spectrum analysis.
  • Fix Dynamics processors in logarithmic mode could produce high spikes in some specific circumstance.
  • Fix MSpectralDelay MSpectralDelay could crash with delay shape consisting of 2 point at the same frequency in Smooth 2 mode.
  • Fix Ctrl+Alt+Dragging didn't work in graph editors, which are not zoomable in both directions (time graphs for example).
  • Fix MultiParameters in "Check-boxes horizontal below" didn't disable the checkbox labels when the MP was disabled.
  • Fix Tabs displayed as popups might not have a title.
  • Fix Super-resolution analysis mode might have theoretically cause crashes (no cases have been reported though).
  • Fix Randomizer multiparameters might have not worked.
  • Fix MDrummer MTurboComp Effects with easy screens (MTurboComp for example) didn't show properly when displayed for the second time in the main Effects tab.

12.08 changes

MDrummer: Note: There's is a potential backwards compatibility breach - if you used different output channels for each drum in MDrummer1out, that wouldn't make any effect since there was just a single output.

Now MDrummer will send the drums into proper output FX pipelines, so if you used master effects, only those with output channel 1 would be processed. The solution is simply setting the output channel to 1 for all drums.

  • MTurboDelay MXXX MTurboDelay has finally been officially released, added to MXXX as well.
  • MTurboComp MTurboComp is now also available as a cheaper version MTurboCompLE, which doesn't include multiband version and the edit screen.
  • Big optimizations focusing on newest AVX2/AVX512 CPUs (i7/i9/xeon).
  • Active presets are now called Devices (or Instruments for instrument plugins).
  • MCompare MCompare sample display now displays milliseconds when zoomed in enough.
  • MTurboReverb Added one more parameter to "freqshift" algorithm in MTurboReverb, so it can be parameterized.
  • Added marks for multiparameters for plugins with many of them, for easier orientation.
  • Added Separate collapsing option for multiparameters.
  • VST3 versions now avoid reseting when playback is reset by DAW due to change of playback state (known is Reaper), so that it would clear the view of analyzers for example.
  • Implemented new multiparameter reordering system.
  • Settings / Random style no longer closes the Settings window.
  • MDrumEnhancer Added Dry/wet compensation option to MDrumEnhancer.
  • Zooming in various graph editors using mouse wheel can now exploit ctrl / shift to zoom in one direction only.
  • Ctrl + Mouse wheel now controls speed in all time graphs.
  • Added multiparameter editor mode "Switcher (no arrows)".
  • Added global option "Store resampled files" to Settings, which allows you to disable creating resampled files used to optimize startup and loading of various plugins.
  • MPowerSynth MXXX Increased the number of rows in the FX matrix to 16 (same as MXXX).
  • Fix MXXX Some MXXX modules featuring MIDI reset didn't have a MIDI input option.
  • Fix Switching presets while editing multiparameters could sometimes end up with multiparameter editor not showing the correct info.
  • Fix There were potential problems in some DAWs (known is FL), when using ancient CPU's without support of any new instruction sets.
  • Fix Easy screen XY pad didn't have a help even if there was a help info.
  • Fix Stereo plugins didn't allow mono->stereo expansion in ProTools.
  • Fix MWobbler MTurboComp Multiband versions of MWobbler and MTurboComp didn't compensate latency between bands properly when band oversampling was used.
  • Fix MHarmonizerMB MHarmonizerMB inter-band latency compensation didn't work properly.
  • Fix MNoiseGenerator MNoiseGenerator was producing mono output for old presets.
  • Fix Hacked some problems in DrivenByMoss4Reaper, note that you need to disable GPU acceleration before you use this.
  • Fix Surround wasn't available for VST3.
  • Fix MTurboDelay ABCD morphing could crash for some plugins (known is MTurboDelay).

12.07 changes

  • Fix MPhaser MPhaser and MPhaserMB was causing zipper noise when changing certain parameters.
  • Fix MConvolutionEZ MConvolutionMB MDrumEnhancer MConvolutionEZ, MConvolutionMB and MDrumEnhancer file selector worked sporadically with custom files in some DAWs.
  • Fix Plugins were not working in ProTools 10 on macOS.
  • Fix VST3 was behaving weird in Samplitude.

12.06 changes

  • MConvolutionEZ MXXX Released a free plugin MConvolutionEZ, added to MXXX and MXXXCore (free).
  • Big optimizations focusing on newest AVX2/AVX512 CPUs (i7/i9/xeon).
  • MXXX Added Volume &Panorama module to MXXX.
  • MTurboReverb Added MTurboReverb active preset "EZ Reverb" (category Special).
  • Added Randomizer switch to all multiparameters (available in Trigger mode), which allows you to implement a randomizer for a set of parameters.
  • Parameter selection tree now performs human-like sorting, which puts say "Mod 11" after "Mod 2", despite it's the other way around from computer's point of view.
  • Added expression evaluator and CSV import to all graph editors.
  • MXXX Added dB version of meters for modules in MXXX.
  • MConvolutionMB Record &Test tone buttons have been moved to the main screen in MConvolutionMB.
  • MConvolutionMB Selected file in MConvolutionMB can now be modulated.
  • Visible parameter of all multiparameters can now be modulated.
  • MCompare MCompare now stores resampled files to speed up project loading.
  • Map now displays MIDI channel for MIDI controllers.
  • Added dotted sync modes to all time text edit popups.
  • MCompare Extended MCompare sync range to 10 hours and improved visibility of the playback position indicator in files.
  • MXXX Bypassed modules in MXXX are now highlighed by red color. Ctrl + click toggles the bypass state.
  • Added info about current latency to all effect plugins to Settings window.
  • MSpectralDynamics MSpectralDynamics now hides the threshold lines when custom threshold/eq/attack/release graphs are displayed to avoid collisions.
  • MMultiAnalyzer Added Follow host playback feature to MMultiAnalyzer.
  • MAnalyzer MMultiAnalyzer Analyzers no longer resize vertically (except for MAnalyzer and MMultiAnalyzer) to allow other graphs resize independently.
  • Most plugins now store zoom state of the main graph editor (if applicable) in the plugin settings.
  • MPowerSynth MXXX Added Character, Morph, PolySaturator, Transformer, ModularEx, MXXX and MXXX1 FX. Note that all of them induce latency, which cannot be compensated.
  • Fix Multiparameter reorder stopped being available if some of the multiparameter names contained XML specific characters.
  • Fix Root folder in preset windows sometimes displayed slightly higher number of presets than the actual number.
  • Fix MXXX Pasting a module into MXXX gave it a name, which didn't follow consecutive numbers.
  • Fix It was possible to create naming of banks, which would cause a crash when used as a menu on easy screen.
  • Fix MTurboEQ MTurboEQ AGC Set feature was changing a hidden parameter, now it is changing the visible Input gain.
  • Fix Latency may not have updated in some problematic hosts (Studio One).
  • Fix MXXX Some multiband FX in MXXX were different from their original standalone plugins.
  • Fix MConvolutionMB MConvolutionMB filter copy/paste didn't work and is now replaced with a single copy button.
  • Fix MCompare MCompare generated repeating noise if Follow was disabled and Sync enabled.
  • Fix Analyzers didn't work properly for sampling rates under 40kHz.
  • Fix MStereoProcessor MStereoProcessor didn't store output default/mid/side state.
  • Fix Switching to undefined A-H presets in plugins with easy screens was swiching to edit screen.
  • Fix MXXX Crossover FX in MXXX band gain didn't do anything for spectral and tonal/transient crossovers.
  • Fix Assigning a multiparameter to itself and trying to enter its value based on the first parameter (hence itself), would crash.

12.05 changes

  • MMultiAnalyzer Added right-click copy to clipboard to MMultiAnalyzer.
  • Parameter tree (for selecting in modulators, multiparameters, MIDI...) is now sorted by name.
  • MLoudnessAnalyzer Added Reset mode to MLoudnessAnalyzer (replacing No reset switch), which provides additional control on "when the meters are automatically reset".
  • Added Reset all feature to multiparameter menu.
  • MDrummer MLoudnessAnalyzer Added Reset mode to MLoudnessAnalyzer (replacing No reset switch), which provides additional control on "when the meters are automatically reset".
  • Fix MPowerSynth MXXX Opening MPowerSynth inside MXXX in surround mode would crash.
  • Fix MPowerSynth MXXX MPowerSynth inside MXXX in single-channel mode could generate very high/low volumes.
  • Fix Double-clicking a preset loaded the preset, but also might started moving it in the list of presets.
  • Fix When upsampling was changed while processing, MIDI / automation events could become misaligned.
  • Fix MXXX Crossover in MXXX was crashing in spectrum and tonal/transient modes in some cases.
  • Fix Restored oscillator shape presets and randomization.
  • Fix MRotary MRotary could crash on some machines when quickly changing materials.
  • Fix Insidious crash could occur in some very rare conditions, most likely associated with extreme oversampling.
  • Fix MFlanger MFlanger and MFlangerMB were showing incorrect dry/wet text values.
  • Fix Plugins with active presets were reseting GUI size in Edit screen when closed and reopen in ProTools.

12.04 changes

  • MXXX Modular in MXXX now has MIDI input, so that the MIDI can be transferred to submodules.
  • Added Invert option to all oscillator shapes (available via right click menu).
  • MDrummer MXXX Rhythm shuffle is now stored with the rhythms in MDrummer in MXXX.
  • Settings button is now name Settings &Activation when not activated to make activation more obvious.
  • MXXX If selected active preset is changed via a mutliparameter/modulation/automation in MXXX, all multiparameters of parent modules are processed to ensure all controls properly update in case there is a collision.
  • MXXX Added Enabled parameter to all FX modules in MXXX. It should be used with caution however, since it changes the grid and the update can occur at a different moment.
  • MXXX Added Swapper module to MXXX, which swaps between the 2 inputs whenever clicked.
  • Fix Some enum parameters didn't show correct text representation at some points when modulated / automated.
  • Fix MXXX Pasting a module in MXXX didn't update the list of internal parameters.
  • Fix MXXX Changing bypass state of a module in MXXX didn't update the modular editor.
  • Fix MXXX MXXX1 wasn't available via MXXXCore licence.
  • Fix MXXX Feedback inside Modular in MXXX generated from the main instance wouldn't work well.
  • Fix MRhythmizer MRhythmizer didn't work unsynced when the host playback was disabled.
  • Fix LoudnessAnalyzer time graph view didn't contain markers.
  • Fix Side-chain buttons in modulators didn't update when modulated/automated.
  • Fix Changing EQ band Enable didn't update the band settings window.
  • Fix MConvolution could crash during randomization. It has been removed as well as "zero latency" parameter, which caused it, neither have been useful.
  • Fix MConvolutionMB MDrumEnhancer MXXX File selectors (e.g. MConvolutionMB, MDrumEnhancer and MXXX) didn't update the selected file when switching between presets unless the directory was different.
  • Fix ProTools froze when loading ProTools presets.
  • Fix Clicking band enable from band list of any EQ in Cubase may or may not have worked.
  • Fix MDrummer MXXX MDrummer and other stereo plugins could crash inside MXXX if the MXXX itself was put into a single-channel channel mode.
  • Fix MDrummer MXXX MDrummer4 could crash inside MXXX in some hosts.
  • Fix MMultiAnalyzer Clicking on MMultiAnalyzer's waveform/loudness checkboxes could crash in some hosts.
  • Fix Changing MIDI controller value while MIDI learn was enabled could cause a crash.

12.03 changes

  • Added Randomizer loudness compensation which uses the output gain (if available for the plugin) to set the output loudness to some predefined level, avoiding big loudness differences in randomized settings. Can be disabled from Settings.
  • MXXX Added MXXX1 edition of MXXX, which isn't naturally multiband (Crossover module can be used however of course), hence saving additonal resources. It will not load MB (active) presets correctly of course.
  • MTurboReverb Added Dry as side-chain option to MTurboReverb.
  • MultiParameters in meters mode now have parameter limits to control the metering range.
  • Added Randomizable option to multiparameters.
  • MXXX MXXX no longer detects minimum size of the submodule GUIs to avoid too huge MXXX GUI size.
  • Clicking modulator button second time now hides the modulator editor.
  • Improved support for automation and Cubase's QC learn.
  • Added "Start Legato" mode to modulators / Envelope mode, which starts a new envelope only there is already a note being held.
  • Fix MultiParameters in Meters mode may have not worked.
  • Fix Plugins might have restored bigger size after loading a project, than needed, if some GUI items have been collapsed.
  • Fix MXXX Modulators/Multiparameters could have not correctly map to easy-screen-based modules such as TurboComp when save with V11 or older in MXXX.
  • Fix MSpectralDelay MSpectralDelay might have not stored "M/S processing" state in some hosts.
  • Fix MXXX MXXX didn't store set of Lock parameters.
  • Fix MMultiAnalyzer MMultiAnalyzer allowed creating visual presets without name.
  • Fix Time graph settings popup made Logic stuck and unable to quit.
  • Fix Automating active presets confused some hosts (known is ProTools) making them temporarily overwrite their own automation.
  • Fix Ctrl + Random should have slightly modified parameters, but instead performed full randomization.
  • Fix Text edit window in Cubase in macOS could make the plugins control an incorrect parameter on next touch.
  • Added direct Loudness & Waveform switches to Loudness tab.
  • Fix Online update check didn't work.
  • Fix MXXX MIDI button was unavailable for relevant subeffects inside MXXX.

12.02 changes

  • MSpectralDelay Added smart randomization to MSpectralDelay, plus randomizing now enables the safety limiter to avoid excessive output levels for some unfortunate settings.
  • Randomization for spectral effects now automatically enables the safety limiter to avoid excessive output levels for some unfortunate settings.
  • MPhatik Improved MPhatik initialization performance.
  • MPhatik Added Resampling option to MPhatik.
  • MAutoDynamicEq Added Reset feature to MAutoDynamicEq, which resets the source & target analyses.
  • Added "Interpolate between 1 and 0" option to all signal generators.
  • Fix Plugins no longer report stepped parameters to ProTools due to various bugs in ProTools.
  • Fix MVibrato MVibrato and MVibratoMB no longer present the small median latency to the host due to problems when modulation is employed.
  • Fix Plugins could crash in some old macOS versions (10.10 and older most likely) and some specific hosts (Logic, Reason) when displaying popups.

12.01 changes

  • Minor GUI improvements.
  • Fix macOS installator could freeze in the beginning of the installation stage.

12.00 changes

See also release notes for V12

Please note that following list of changes is very limited and many more changes are not mentioned. Sorry for the inconvenience.
  • Hacked bug in Ableton Live with automation disabled during rendering.
  • MXXX Bypass feature for modules in MXXX now performs a short crossfade similarly to the global bypass.
  • MXXX Added upsampling, channel modes, mute and custom notes to MXXX modules.
  • MXXX Added EqSplit to MXXX, a sort of crossover producing 2 bands, one freely equalized and the other containing the remaining signal.
  • MXXX Added most multiband plugins and plugins with active presets into MXXX.
  • MFreeformPhase MXXX MFreeformPhase added to MXXX.
  • MPowerSynth MXXX MPowerSynth in MXXX now contains a full clone of MPowerSynth including arp, modulators etc.
  • MXXX Added ModularEx to MXXX, Modular equipped with 4 modulators. Using these modulars is also more effective than using global modulators, since they are applied only on the submodular.
  • MDelay Added Silence switch to MDelayMB, which quickly fadeouts and silences the delay buffer.
  • Scrollers disable zooming buttons when locked.
  • Multiparameter reorder menu now has a better number of columns.
  • MComb Added Shift feature to all taps in MComb and MCombMB.
  • MAnalyzer Added Auto-listen feature to MAnalyzer - clicking and dragging in the spectrum panel makes the plugin perform a band-pass filter at the clicked frequency. Vertical axis controls the Q.
  • Added "MIDI reset parameter" to all modulators, which lets you perform MIDI reset without actual MIDI but using a parameter instead, hence you can reset one modulator by another for example.
  • Added Insert and Delete multiparameter features, that should simplify editing complex multiparameter structures. Note that these actually do note delete, but reorder multiparameters.
  • Improved support of obscure WAV formats.
  • Resampled files for convolution are now hidden.
  • Added silent install possibility via command line {setup} [/silent {list_of_plugins}].
  • MRecorder MRecorder now supports RF64 output files, which can extend 4GB.
  • Graph editors now show units of the point under the cursor even if nothing is being edited.
  • Reodering multiparameters now keeps associations for modulators and parameter lock.
  • MLoudnessAnalyzer MLoudnessAnalyzer batch processing now detects and reports potential overs (which would result in clipping).
  • VST3 and AAX plugins now report number of potential values for each parameter to simplify automation.
  • MCompare Added Search for missing files feature to MCompare.
  • Pressing and holding Alt while dragging graph points will snap to grid.
  • MXXX MPowerSynth Modules in MXXX/MXXXCore/MPowerSynth renamed, so they are more standardized and alike the original plugins.
  • MXXX MPowerSynth Selecting modules "By name" (in MXXX and MPowerSynth) is now sorted and tabbed for lower size and better workflow.
  • MAnalyzer Right-click inside MAnalyzer's view copies the frequency into the system clipboard.
  • Velocity modes added to MIDI note controllers.
  • MAutoDynamicEq MAutoDynamicEq now allows analysing multiple files at once, averaging them together.
  • Oscillator custom shape X units are now 4/4 (musical units) for LFOs.
  • Installer optimized, uninstallation of previous versions is now silent
  • MAutoPitch Added Base frequency to MAutoPitch.
  • MDrummer MComb Added Shift feature to all taps in MComb FX.
  • Fix Some WAV file formats couldn't be loaded.
  • Fix Deactivation might not have worked.
  • Fix MSpectralDynamics MSpectralDynamics threshold graph didn't update audio when only high points have been moved (assuming there were more than 5 points).
  • Fix Modulator's restore when disabled feature wasn't often working properly.
  • Fix Plugins didn't store tablet mode.
  • Fix MStereoSpread Invert switch in MStereoSpread / Delay-based generator didn't work.
  • Fix Harmonics in equalizers were wrong if Linear scale was enabled and number of semitones was diffent than the default 12.
  • Fix MConvolutionMB Changing IR in MConvolutionMB didn't update lengths in Start / End parameters.
  • Fix Color sections in some meters (crest) were incorrect.
  • Fix MSpectralDynamics MXXX MSpectralDynamics custom shape didn't work properly inside MXXX in logarithmic or squared mode.
  • Fix MCompare Hacked bug in Wavelab resulting in Sync of MCompare not working.
  • Fix Multiparameter quick learn might not have worked for some parameters inside panels.
  • Fix Collapsing a preset subtree didn't update the list of presets even if the selected tree has been changed.
  • Fix Graph Mirror X feature didn't mirror the left/right points if these are locked.
  • Fix Sometimes "?" button has been displayed even if there was no help.
  • Fix Some information/confirmation windows were unnecessarily big on some displays.
  • Fix Changing crossover type via a mutliparameter in MB plugins could cause a crash/freeze.
  • Fix Progress windows didn't display on macOS.
  • Fix AGC didn't work when upsampling was enabled.

Legacy changelogs: Effects V5—11 · MDrummer V5—7 · MPowerSynth V8—11 · MDrummer 4 an dolder