Multi-comb filter for the original sound seekers
MCombMB is an extremely versatile multi-comb filter, designed for those seeking truly unique sound. Thanks to its smart-randomization engine you don't even need to be a scientist to get unbelievable moving textures, rhythmic pads or squealing drum loops.
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MCombMB teaser
MCombMB teaser
Multiband processing and crossovers
Multiband processing and crossovers
Comb filter fun with drums using MCombMB
Comb filter fun with drums using MCombMB

4 extraordinary filters in each band

With MCombMB you have up to six separate bands, each with up to 4 filters. You can arrange them in series, in parallel, or just mix it somehow. Each filter has an adjustable feedback with band pass and even a limiter! You can also invert phase in each channel to get quite some unique stereo width. And most of that is easily accessible using the easy-to-use graphical editor. And that is just a beginning...

Modulation heaven

Love the sound of our plugins, but wish there were some way to quickly create motion in your sequences? Enter Melda modulation heaven. Modulate any parameter from our unique set of modulation sources, which includes LFOs, audio level followers, envelope generators, randomizer, and pitch detectors.

MeldaProduction goodies

You can also expect to find the standard MeldaProduction goodies: 16x upsampling, M/S, surround support as well as other channel modes, A-H presets for easy comparisons, and our easy to use integrated help system.

Audio examples

  • Drums
  • Lead
  • Pad
  • Drums - Cornucopia bantu
    • WET
    • DRY
  • Drums - Factory rufus
    • WET
    • DRY
  • Drums - Hasp du
    • WET
    • DRY
  • Drums - Home-owning throb
    • WET
    • DRY
  • Drums - Interventionist mesdames
    • WET
    • DRY
  • Drums - Legitimation fuselage
    • WET
    • DRY
  • Drums - Lynchburg favouring
    • WET
    • DRY
  • Drums - Misshapen inviter
    • WET
    • DRY


"Amazing thing to make percussive sounds have some more tune to them. Also fantastic if you want to make your field recorded kitchen equipment into some Hyperpop style drums."

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