Not every hit is perfect, not every drum take is flawless, nor every drum sounds nice. But with MDrumReplacer no drum recording is gone for good. No matter if had bad mics positions or you just hate the entire drumset. MDrumReplacer fixes all that in a second. And still, your recordings will sound incredibly live.

Intelligent drum-hit detection
MDrumEnhancer‘s powerful drum-hit detector works with maximum precision. With just a little help from you, it finds the hits you wish to replace in both single instrument recordings and sometimes even mixed drum sessions.
Advanced analysis technology
MDrumReplacer is equipped with advanced learning feature which thoroughly examines your audio material to identify the most prominent frequencies and sets the resonators accordingly. Listen feature then lets you audition just the filtered signal so that you can adjust the filters easily to set them as precisely as possible.
Replace completely or blend
You may replace the drum hits completely or just blend the original with the sample to get extra creative effects. How about enhancing your kick with a bit of an electronic flavour, for example?
Fix the performance
MDrumReplacer basically includes the whole MDrumLeveler plugin. Therefore you may successfully use MDrumReplacer not just for replacing „bad hits“ but also to iron the drummer‘s performance. Just let the detector find an event and compute its correct level. The processor applies the requested gain to the event. Your drummer will seem to have a firm hand and solid performance.
Simple operation
In most cases, you will simply run the detector and choose a sound you want the unwanted hits to be replaced with. Your cheap snare or kick can be replaced with high-end drum within a second.
Keep it live
MDrumReplacer uses the mighty MDrummer's sound engine, that means synthesized drums as well as top-quality drum multi-samples which respect the original drummer‘s performance and feel. The performance remains human, not robotic. Although some imperfections can be fixed with built-in drum leveler.
Tons of samples
MDrumReplacer can use the huge MDrummer multi-sample libraries (including Drum Empire 2020) to select a replacement that fits your track the best. At this moment, you may choose from 80 gigabytes of samples. And the editing possibilities are endless. You can finally find the perfect sound!
Media & Reviews

Craig Bartock
"MDrumReplacer is truly an amazing product. It’s light years ahead of any other drum replacement program. The usability, features and sample selection is the best I’ve ever seen. It’s my go-to plugin. My drum tracks have never sounded better."

Daniel Barón
"MDrummerReplacer, it is simply fantastic. It has solved serious problems for me with poorly recorded drums when I am mixing."