What is Essential for your MSuperLooping Creativity?
Looping August Week
Ended on August 23, 2021

MSuperLooper is an extremely powerfull tool itself. But the fact that this plugin can cooperate with other Melda plugins installed on your system gives it almost supernatural power. And so this week we are giving you a chance grab the superpowered MSuperLooper. You may get is as a free gift with discounted MEssentialsFXBundle, as a part of discounted MCreativeBundle or grab the 25% discount on the plugin itself. 

Remember - if you already own some of the plugins the price of the bundles will reduce accordingly when you sign in. 


37 plugins included

The most powerful set of creative effects in the world. A must-have for every creative producer.


10 plugins included

We picked the most important stuff every music producer needs. Powerful and affordable.



The art of live looping taken to the next level!