Matthew Dear

The MCompleteBundle from MeldaProduction has revolutionized my work flow and streamlined my signal flow. Tasks I once needed several plug-ins for can now be handled by a single Melda Plug-in. The plug-ins are vastly capable of tweaking every piece of a recording, yet do not feel over complicated or intimidating. Chances are if I think it, Melda can do it.
A man of many musical hats, Texas born, Detroit raised Matthew Dear has a wide reaching discography that takes in face melting techno as Jabberjaw, dark avant-pop under his own name and intricate minimal as Audion. Often with a gothic slant and full of curiousness, his pensive but playful music is an intoxicating distillation of many different influences, often with his own stylized vocals at the center.
← Matt Schwartz
The creativity, sonic quality and ease of use that Melda made me rely more and more on their plugins.
Mefjus →
Since I have first discovered Melda plugins they've become an essential part of my productions. They are the perfect blend of engineering and creativity.