
Welcome to our news archive. It contains information about new releases and important updates. To check our promos, please take a look at Sales & discounts page and the Eternal Madness Discounts page.

September 20, 2014

Beta version of MPowerSynth, our new powerful synthesizer, has been released

MPowerSynth is an extremely versatile pristine sounding synthesizer, which is now available as beta version. You can also create presets to get it for free! Check this link for more information.

August 22, 2014

All effects have been updated to 8.05

8.05 is a big technological update, which provides several improvements, optimizations and fixes. It is recommended to install this update. It is necessary to use the newest installer from our download page. Here is the list of main changes.

August 3, 2014

Eternal Madness discount has been started!

Due to the huge success of the madness discounts, we decided to make it permanent. From now, 5 different plugins will be 50% OFF every week. Starting by monday August 4th. We will inform every week about current action via newsletter, facebook and twitter.

July 10, 2014

All effects have been updated to 8.04

8.04 provides several improvements, optimizations and fixes. It is recommended to install this update. It is necessary to use the newest installer from our download page. Here is the list of main changes.

June 27, 2014

MDrummer has updated to 5.01

MDrummer has been updated to 5.01 bringing several improvements (AAX support, popup tabs, redo, bass 2...), optimizations and fixes. It is highly recommended to install this update. If you have version 5.00 installed, you can download an updater from our…

June 26, 2014

MDrummer has been updated to 6.00

MDrummer has been updated to 6.00 bringing lots of several improvements, optimizations and fixes. It is highly recommended to install this update. You can get a new engine from our download page as usual. There is no need to download the whole 6GB package…

June 25, 2014

All effects have been updated to 8.03 (including AAX support) and MTransient has been released

8.03 provides several new features (AAX support, new channel modes, preset showing, popup tabs...) along with several fixes and performance improvements. It is highly recommended to install this update. It is necessary to use the newest installer from…

May 18, 2014

MDrummer has updated to 5.00

5.00 is a huge major update, which brings a complete GUI restructuralization, better & faster stylable and resizable GUI engine, GPU acceleration and much more. It is highly recommended to install this update. It is necessary to use the newest…

May 13, 2014

All effects have been updated to 8.02

8.02 provides a few fixes to rather rare problems, brings a few new features and provides performance improvements for Windows platform. Please use the newest installers from our download page.

April 28, 2014

All effects have been updated to 8.01 and MRotary released

8.01 fixes and improves several things from 8.00 and it is recommended to install this update. Please use the newest installers from our download page. Also a new extremely versatile rotary simulator MRotary has been released and is available at a…

April 14, 2014

All effects have been updated to 8.00 and MRhythmizerMB & MLimiterX released separately

8.00 is a huge major update, which brings a complete GUI restructuralization, better & faster stylable and resizable GUI engine, GPU acceleration, powerful metering engine, and much more. It is highly recommended to install this update. Please use…

September 20, 2013

All effects have been updated to 7.13 and MCombMB released

7.13 is a compatibility update, which fixes a few problems which were occuring with previous versions. This includes cursor support on macOS, freezing of graphics on some Windows computers etc. It is highly recommended to install this update. Please use…