New Instruments, new Devices and more (V15.02 released)
We have just published an important update for all our plugins. Version 15.02 is now available to everyone.

The fact that we released version 15 of our plugins and instruments just recently doesn't mean we would stop working on improvements. We are here with another update. Version 15.02 brings major memory and loading speed optimizations and a great number of other improvements and fixes (see all here). The update concerns all 112 plugins. But there are some that are even more visible. Get the new version here.
New instruments
MSoundFactory and MSoundFactoryLE users got our promise we would come up with new free instruments often. The 15.02 upgrade brings not just one but three: Trailer hits, Space pad factory and Heart Beat. You can check them out in the following video. (Please note there is also the free version - MSoundFactoryPlayer which includes a few free instruments and from now lets you audition the factory instruments with occasional noise.)
New devices
Lots of our plugins contain multiple devices for various uses. MTurboDelay is one of them and its collection has grown with the new update. Its users can now get Oktafon for free - a great 8 voice multi-tap delay.
Also, guitarists may be happy. MCabinet's number of the included cabs has increased by two. Excelsior Huge and Excelsior Small broaden the variety of MCabinet's use. And, guitarists, stay tuned. Something big is being prepared for you soon!
Update for free
Do we need to mention, that all these upgrades - both functional and content-oriented are free for all the users? Because we offer Free for life updates. Get your download here. And if you are not a user yet, just grab the 15-days fully working trial and get persuaded to become one. :)